How to register for the Learning Zone?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have tried to register 3 times and failed. On each occasion at Step 3 the form highlights my email in red and asks me to check it (without providing any obvious way to do that) or to Sign in (and go round in circles). I am a total nincompoop at logging in to web systems. Help please.

BTW my email was correct each time.
Are you sure you haven’t registered already @JITR ? Maybe it’s highlighting the email and asking you to sign in because you’re already a member?
Are you sure you haven’t registered already @JITR ? Maybe it’s highlighting the email and asking you to sign in because you’re already a member?
Thank you for the hint, now resolved. My email is registered in my forum account. Did not realise the learning zone uses the same credentials? Well almost - had to update my forum password to match the new one for the LZ!
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Thank you for the hint, now resolved. My email is registered in my forum account. Did not realise the learning zone uses the same credentials? Well almost - had to update my forum password to match the new one for the LZ!
I think they're separate, but I'm sure it's common for people to use the same credentials on both.
I think they're separate

Yes they are. But your browser software may not distinguish between different subdomains of if you have stored your password. So you are probably best off keying in your different passwords separately into each place.

Glad you managed to get access to the Learning Zone in the end @JITR 🙂