How to get a cannula into an anxious 10yr old

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My 10yr old daughter is starting training for a pump on Wednesday but is struggling getting her head round cannula insertion. We went to clinic yesterday and the nurse was going to put one in, but she flipped and wouldn't let the nurse do it. We have tried a few times at home, but she gets very anxious and at last second refuses.
Any tips?

Hi Lynn,

I can understand her being worried - it was something I was quite concerned about myself before I started pumping! Once I actually did it I was very surprised that it didn't hurt, but trying to work myself up to doing it was hard.

Has she seen a cannula insertion in anyone else? Could you perhaps do one on you so she can see it doesn't hurt? I know there are creams you can use that should numb the area, maybe something like that would help her get over the fear?

There are plenty of parents with pumping kids, so hopefully they will be able to suggest something that will help! 🙂
Hi there,

Sorry to hear your daughter is anxious, do you think it's the inserter and the sharp twang noise ? ( I think it makes it sound like it should hurt iykwim)

How about she practises on you or a teddy so she can get a feel for the process before it's tried on her ( You must make sure you don't flinch or anything mind or you'll completely put her off 😉) .

We used to use emla cream which numbed the area first - would this help if she could be certain it wouldn't hurt ?

And, how about a treat for being brave too.

Good luck 🙂
I think practicing on a teddy is a really good idea (I tried it on a cushion first!). But my psychologist suggested playing my favourite song whilst inserting my original needles. He said it was all about creating a little routine so I knew what happens and how to deal with it!
I know I'm not a 10-year old but my needle-phobia made me feel like a 5-year old!!
Could the nurse put you in touch with another child who does it? Sometimes it's good to feel like your not alone in doing this!
But lots of luck x
as a user of a cannula, can i suggest trying on an orange (that's actually what i learnt on when i was 8 when first diagnosed and using old style syringes). the material on a teddy is much softer than actual skin/fatty tissue so the force she'll need when inserting on herself will be more than on the teddy - and if she doesn't use the right force it won't go in properly/may get damaged and need taking out and another inserted which will cause problems and possibly upset her even more.

perhaps you could start with orange, to get used to the force needed, then move to teddy, then you as the parent, then her?

also, i used the inserter for about 2 years and recently tried without and found it much nicer on the skin - the inserter just BANGS it in (and has that horrible click noise) which i found left me with more marks than when just using my hand and putting it on myself.
Thanks for all the replies.
I managed to get her calm enough this morning to give it a go, but the cannula insertion gadget didn't fire properly and just grazed her skin. Not only was she disappointed, but it hurt!
Despite the initial shock, she doesnt want to give up which is a good sign🙂
see my post! inserters aren't great! much better to get her used to doing it herself 🙂

good luck.
Lynna, how's it going?

And - have you shot one in yourself so you know what it feels like?
Success. Managed to get a cannula in to my daughter this morning - although it was sore. However, she is quite proud of it and looking forward to getting her pump (with saline) tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
and yes, I did have a cannula in for a few days. It didnt hurt me going in at all although it was a bit nippy for a while afterwards. There is talk of me wearing the pump for a few days too, so we will see how that pans out.
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