Hi, my daughter got hers at 23 months. We went from 2 daily injections (still in honeymoon period) to the pump which needed a lot of fine tuning and it was a lot of work, in those initial weeks I wanted to throw it in the bin and worried we had made the wrong decision. We just weren't prepared for it, no one had said we would have to do lots more testing through the day and overnight. We had gone into blind and it was a steep learning curve especially since it was only 3 months after diagnosis. It was new to her diabetic team also and she has been the youngest in our area for some time now.
However, I would fight to keep it now. It is the best way of delivering insulin to my daughter and allows a lot of flexibility. If you decide to go ahead I would strongly reccommend "Pumping Insulin" by John Walsh, again this would have been a great help to us prior to starting pumping. 🙂