How old is the youngest with pump?

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Ruth Goode

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Carly was offered to have a pump this morning and Im considering it because she is so young so I wonder if anyone her age got a pump? any good?
Hi, my daughter got hers at 23 months. We went from 2 daily injections (still in honeymoon period) to the pump which needed a lot of fine tuning and it was a lot of work, in those initial weeks I wanted to throw it in the bin and worried we had made the wrong decision. We just weren't prepared for it, no one had said we would have to do lots more testing through the day and overnight. We had gone into blind and it was a steep learning curve especially since it was only 3 months after diagnosis. It was new to her diabetic team also and she has been the youngest in our area for some time now.
However, I would fight to keep it now. It is the best way of delivering insulin to my daughter and allows a lot of flexibility. If you decide to go ahead I would strongly reccommend "Pumping Insulin" by John Walsh, again this would have been a great help to us prior to starting pumping. 🙂
I know children that were just over a year old when they put them on pumps. 🙂 it's common practice with certain hospitals to put children straight on them, especially if they are young and need such tiny amounts of insulin.
Thank you for your replies, the pump will be the "Russ c" one, is it the same as yours?
My daughter's pump is a Medtronic "paradigm veo" .
Thank you for your replies, the pump will be the "Russ c" one, is it the same as yours?

I suspect you mean the Roche combo 🙂
As Hanmillmum say's, do buy the book pumping insulin by John Walsh. It can be had on Amazon.
As also mentioned it is very hard work and frustrating to start with. So do be prepared for a lot of sleepless nights.
End of the day though you will have a much happier and healthy child.
So do as much reading and learning as you can from now on and ask as many question's as you need. Make sure your carb counting is up to date as well as this is very important.
Quality of life is so different on a pump as well.
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