How often do you test?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been doing, on average, about 5 tests a day since I was diagnosed last May. I was told I needed to test before every meal and before bed, plus also to guage reaction to new foods or exercise.

Over the past month or so my control seems to be very good, and I've noticed that I'm pretty accurate in judging my insulin requirements for the food I'm eating.

The question is, is there a point at which you decide to cut down on the testing? I'm directing this mostly at those who have coped with diabetes for some time. I met a guy on a diabetes course recently who only tested once a week. He'd been Type 1 for 5 years. As it turned out, he discovered that his meter wasn't even working properly!

My poor fingers could do with a rest from all the stabbing!😱
I test before every meal and before bed every day and then before/after exercise and if I feel hypo/unwell. So I guess anywhere from 4-8 times a day. I can't imagine doing any less than that but maybe that will change with time, I've been diabetic for around 4 years now.

Can you do alternative site testing (forearms etc) with your meter if you need to give your fingers a rest?
I test before every meal and before bed every day and then before/after exercise and if I feel hypo/unwell. So I guess anywhere from 4-8 times a day. I can't imagine doing any less than that but maybe that will change with time, I've been diabetic for around 4 years now.

Can you do alternative site testing (forearms etc) with your meter if you need to give your fingers a rest?

No, I don't think it allows for that (an accu-chek aviva).
cutting back on blood glucose tests

If you're keen to cut back on number of tests, can I suggest that you try estimating and recording a number, immediately before testing? If the numbers are consistent, then you could cut back on some tests. However, I reckon that ones before driving, exercising and going to bed (not necessarily the same as sleeping!) are important.
However, I reckon that ones before driving, exercising and going to bed (not necessarily the same as sleeping!) are important.

I would agree with these: if you want to cut down on tests, don't compromise before driving, excercise or bed.

You really have to consult your medical team before making big changes like this but eventually you should be able to test once a day, but at different times of the day each time. So one day you check before breakfast, the next day before lunch, the next before dinner and so on. This way you can still spot patterns though it takes a bit longer, but it gives your fingers a rest.

I would really recommend getting a meter that allows alternative site testing. I liked my AccuCheck Aviva a lot but it was hard on my fingers. Now I have the FreeStyle Lite and test on my forearms. There's so much more skin to choose from and I don't have so many sore spots on my fingers.
Hi there Im the same I have to test upto 8 times per day as my job entails a lot of driving and can be physical.

I have a Freestyle Lite too which has a clear guard to allow for forearm testing. This is not as accurate as the fingers so if you feel hypo you still need to test the finger tips. Give the fingers a rest though.
How many times i test

I do anything up to 10 blood tests a day, and in the night as well, i know how you feel with your fingers, they do get realy sore.
How Many Times I Test

Originally (June 1997) I did before breakfast, lunch, dinner and bed. Because of the sore finger thing I now try to cut out either one or both of the middle ones unless I'm due to exercise - long drive, dog walk, golf, shopping trip etc etc. and always carry dextrose tabs. I think it has to be down to the individual feeling able to recognise low bs symptoms and confidence.
Thanks for the replies. I guess there are a few reasons why I'm asking, not just the finger soreness. In my 'previous life' I never had to do any kind of regular medical thing. I hate waste, and it seems sort of wrong to me to automatically do these tests when I'm pretty certain that I'm within range. On the other hand, it's very reassuring to me to see the results and makes me happier that I have things under control. I think if I didn't test then I would be wondering and worrying, and have no record to look back on to spot patterns etc.

Really, I suppose what I was wondering was, does that worrying feeling fade and people are happy to test occasionally, or do people feel that they need to always keep an eye on things for peace of mind? I guess everyone is different. It seems from the replies here that people are happier keeping close track of what's happening, even if there's little variation in the results.
All of my meters are One Touch Ultra 2. There is a device with it that allows you to test other places with a cautionary note that the results from other places may not be as accurate.

I test 3-4 times a day at different times. I only test more often if I have done or eaten something different.
I test before every meal before bed, before driving and before and after exercise, so that generally adds up to 4-8 tests a day. I really don't think I could manage on any less, but thats ok to me because I don't mind testing.
I agrre with others don't compromise on the driving and before bed tests.

I tried forearm, palm testing and didn't like it, I found that it hurt more and a didn;t get enough blood. it's worth a try though. just remember that you can't test there if you think you might be hypo.
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