How often do you have treats?

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Cool Cat

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good Evening. How often do you have treats & do you have snacks between meals?
Good Evening. How often do you have treats & do you have snacks between meals?
Nothing is fixed.
Some times never, sometimes just as it happens.
I like food, so it's just playing one event off against another.
Good Evening. How often do you have treats & do you have snacks between meals?
Every meal is a treat - I'm a good cook if I do say so myself.
I eat twice a day, about 12 hours apart, no snacks required.
Nothing between meals other than one third of a Nature Valley nut protein bar with afternoon cup of tea and a morning coffee. Bedtime coffee with a square of dark chocolate at the weekend.
At the moment no snacks or treats at all but I still have a lot of weight to lose. I am having plenty to eat for my 'proper' meals though (low carb) so not feeling the urge to snack which has surprised me.
I've cut right down on snacks. If I do, then it's a few nuts but once I'm fully eating g low carb, I don't feel the need to.

I don't snack between meals from hunger, I'm not saying I don't feel hungry, I enjoy food more when I do.
I'm not entirely sure I could ever be happy with never feeling hungry, or never being driven to eat, I love food.

But I will snack socially, I'll snack if I know I'll be missing a meal, at times I'll say I've have a snack for lunch instead of a meal.
If I'm eating out, (and we eat out often), many times I may just have a snack rather than a full blown meal for example.
That would bring way too many calories back into my diet.
Good Evening. How often do you have treats & do you have snacks between meals?
It's a fine balancing act. I try not but but sometimes it happens. I don't eat buscuits or cakes. M y choice of snack are nuts , slices of watermelon, a daily small Graze bar and the very occasional piece of chocolate. If i do snack I try to keep it to very little . Although I do fall off the wagon ( most recently a couple of Easter Eggs which were delicious but not to be done again). Now it is back on that wagon. Good luck. It takes time and some thought., but deeply satisfying when I know i have managed it.
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Good Evening. How often do you have treats & do you have snacks between meals?
I have tried snacks, but I'm happy with just 3 meals a day. I find I can't get the insulin and blood sugars to work if I take a bolus in between main meals.
I find if I snack with any regularity I end up feeling ravenously hungry at that time. Plus if I have snacky foods in, they just call to me!

I do keep a stash of nuts in for occasional nibbles, but (even though I could snack with insulin) I find it easier and much less faff to mostly try to do without on the whole. 🙂
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