How much for Metronic closed loop CGM please

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've just spoken to my consultant and he seems to think that the chances are low of me getting a CGM funded when I move onto the Medtronic that has the closed loop system due to my overall control being so good even though my levels are so erratic because of the gastroparesis and no hypo awareness. He is going to ask the pump team and as I don't work it wo785uld be extremely difficult for me to pay for the CGM part. But I just wondered if anyone know the associated costs for the CGM part if I get the Medtronic 785
Really hope the consultant is being unduly pessimistic in your case and you are able to get the sensors funded Amanda, but I believe at @SB2015 self funds the Medtronic sensors, so she should be able to give you the low down on the cost of them.
Hi @AJLang I do indeed self fund my sensors. It costs me £279 for five weeks (five sensors). This package price includes the cost of the transmitter which should be replaced each year. Closed loop is working very well for me most of the time, and I would push to try to get funding Amanda. I would think you would have a strong argument for this. Let me know how you get on.
I've just spoken to my consultant and he seems to think that the chances are low of me getting a CGM funded when I move onto the Medtronic that has the closed loop system due to my overall control being so good even though my levels are so erratic because of the gastroparesis and no hypo awareness. He is going to ask the pump team and as I don't work it wo785uld be extremely difficult for me to pay for the CGM part. But I just wondered if anyone know the associated costs for the CGM part if I get the Medtronic 785
If I remember correctly, you receive PIP so use that to fund your sensors if the NHS won't fund them.
Give medtronic a ring and find out what they offer as like dexcom I'm sure they offer a discount for monthly orders.
Hi @AJLang I do indeed self fund my sensors. It costs me £279 for five weeks (five sensors). This package price includes the cost of the transmitter which should be replaced each year. Closed loop is working very well for me most of the time, and I would push to try to get funding Amanda. I would think you would have a strong argument for this. Let me know how you get on.
Thank you very much @SB2015. Mark has just said that it’s going to be a struggle but we need to we will find the money. I have PIP but that’s being used for my mobility needs. I will keep pushing for the funding xx
Give medtronic a ring and find out what they offer as like dexcom I'm sure they offer a discount for monthly orders.
The price that I quoted is the discounted price and offered for monthly orders.

Using closed loop has had a massive impact on me @AJLang . I have a much higher TIR (usually in the 90s) and a lot less effort on my part. I took me some time to get used to trusting the pump (Hermione) and to let her get on with the job without interfering. I still have to get involved at all meals and when I am doing prolonged activity, but I have found ways round the hiccough snow.

Any help I can give just ask Amanda
Is the Medtronic closed loop functionality similar to the t-slim + dexcom functionality, or better/worse/not comparable? I haven’t used any pump system myself but have heard others talking about the looping options with dexcom, and noted that dexcom is much cheaper than Medtronic sensors if you do have to self fund. Guess it depends if that setup would do what you need and whether your clinic offers that pump option etc though? Hopefully you can just get funding for the best combination for you!
When I was self-funding on Medtronic I just kept using my transmitter until it died. Mine lasted way longer than a year.

The sensors are approx £50 each. Used to restart mine once to get double the length out of them which hugely reduced annual costs. Not sure if that’s still possible with the new system.
Thank you very much everyone. That’s all really helpful.
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