How many years out to non-invasive meters now?

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Isn't there already a non-invasive test for blood glucose, ie a urine glucose test, but this is less accurate than testing blood?
Isn't there already a non-invasive test for blood glucose, ie a urine glucose test, but this is less accurate than testing blood?
Well yes, I suppose it is a non-invasive test…if all you want to know is that your Blood glucose level was over 10 several hours ago.
[...] how far out are we from non invasive blood glucose monitors in terms of years?
Will they be ready by the time I am in my 50's in 7 years from now?
I suspect that when you are in your 50s their introduction will still be predicted for 7 years hence...
There was a trial for a "Glucose watch" at my local university when I was first diagnosed.
That was 20 years ago so I am holding my breath.
There again, I am less sure they are needed nowadays when CGMs are so common and finger pricking is rarely painful.
Well yes, I suppose it is a non-invasive test…if all you want to know is that your Blood glucose level was over 10 several hours ago.
My point was that testing for glucose in urine was abandoned as a diagnostic tool when HbA1c became the gold standard, so any other form of non-invasive testing is also likely to be equally inaccurate.
Slightly off topic, but whatever algorithm spies on me has started to send me ads for the Abbott Lingo which appears to be a Libre like device for non diabetics.

It's expensive though so I can't see too many people trying it.
Slightly off topic, but whatever algorithm spies on me has started to send me ads for the Abbott Lingo which appears to be a Libre like device for non diabetics.

It's expensive though so I can't see too many people trying it.
Abbott leaning hard into the everybody-needs-a-CGM woo:

They're going with sugar-spike-crash woo as the leading message.

Why am I so tired? When you eat sugary foods, it gives you a short burst of energy – followed by a crash. This up and down can leave you tired, fatigued, and craving even more sugar.


Be afraid, be very afraid if you "spike" over 7.8 mmol/l = 140 mg/dl. It will have you lolling around in a permanent sugar-spike-crash induced narcoleptic fugue (just ask the Glucose Goddess!). You need a Lingo or you're pretty much doomed.

Pretty contemptible, really.
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This makes for interesting reading:

I fear it may still be quite some time, though I do wonder whether there's some scope for more personalised tuning vs the more generic (same approach for everyone) that has failed in the past. I'm not holding my breath, unfortunately.
I was invited to a prelaunch event for an optical non-invasive CGM something like 15 years ago. Millions of R&D $ spent. CE mark attained. Due to launch imminently…

The company folded. They simply couldn’t get it to work reliably enough. and that was a more significantly worn device on a large fabric strapping, not just something bundled into a watch.

Never say never, but like @trophywench I’m expecting the ‘T1 cure in 5-10 years’ to come first.

I also admire @Docb ’s brevity.
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