How many hypos do you have?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I was just wondering how many hypos everyone has per week (counting a hypo as anything under 4). I think I have just got used to having quite a few, but am wondering how normal this is.

Before I was pregnant I had about 2-3 night time ones and maybe about 4 or 5 daytime ones a week. This has gone through the roof now as I am trying to tighten up on my control as much as I can.

I dont really get night time hypos... most of my hypos happen at work if im maybe moving about too much or lifting alot of things. I try to eat a snack every couple of hours or so at work but sometimes i can get carried away and forget then its too late...

I would say i get about 4-5 a week but i think its getting worse because my blood sugars are gettin much tighter now...

If i got to choose to take something away from the diabetes, it would be the hypos, i would much rather inject. I hate hypos, cause i end up waiting for a hypo to happen... always on my mind.. i think i need to talk to someone about it actually. this diabetes is gettin to obsessive. its taking over me i think!

does anyone else ever get the feelin that there diabetes is taking over them and its always on their mind 24/7???

At the moment I'm getting at least one a day - keep waking up <4 :(
1 every day with me, always after my breakfast or dinner.

My hypo awarness is terrible, never can tell until im 2 which is so annoying :confused:
Probably between 4 and 8 a week, if you're counting anything below 4.0 as hypo (my meter software says that's 'low', below 3.5 is 'hypo'. I don't really fret about the 3.8s and 3.9s🙂 I do get the occasional 2.x and a 1.7 yesterday!😱
Had my first one last week, but it was a combination of things including multiple appliance failiures, skipping lunch and the cold weather.
In reply to litto-miss-loz I totally agree. There was a piece in the daily mail the other day about some research into a pill rather than jabs - "To end the agony of injections" What agony? I don't care about the jabs, its the hypos which mess my life about. My constant thought is "What's my sugar doing?" Horrid.

And as for the original post I do get quite a lot of hypos.
I have a hypo every 1-2 months. From my clinic appointment in May to the one in December I'd had 3. I think I have had 2 in January so far.

I try and avoid all hypos as I have developed a bit of a fear of them, I had a severe hypo in oct 2008 which ended me in A&E and since then I have really tried to avoid hypos. I am not comfortable with my blood sugar being in the 4's.
I had a rather nasty hypo last week late in the evening that took me completly by surprise. One minute I was fine then suddenly I felt exceptionally hungry and started shaking and sweating like mad. The next day I felt like crap with a headache that lasted all day.

I have noticed that since I started on insulin my hypo awareness has changed. Before I used to get symptoms if I started to go into the mid 4's, but now I don't get any signs until I'm in the low 3's. And I never used to get hypos in the evening or night before.
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I probably have 1 a week. Haven't been testing for a while so just going off feelings. And now I want to test again the stupid pharmacy near work hasnt got any of my strips in, trip to Boots tomorrow needed. Am having one now as it happens I think which is why I wanted to get some strips now!! 🙄
Weekends are great, spot on control all tests in target range. Come Monday morning it goes to pot! Work is unpredictable so on average one a day.
I get loads of hypos, but I'm also pregnant (30 weeks...6 weeks to go, yay) so on the tight control ship as far as possible. In fact I had one in the hospital canteen last week after my antenatal appointment...timing eh?!

I'd guess at around 2-3 a day but not every day, so say about 15 ish a week. But a lot of those are the high-3s, which I don't worry about so much (and don't give me symptoms). The ones that are a pain are the low 2s or even the 1s. About half my hypos over the last week or so have been on waking, getting high 2s or in the 3s every day - but have fiddled with my basal and that seems to be fixed (for now...).
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