How many days?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How often do you change the cannula? I change mine every 2 days because I find them uncomfortable but now that I'm used to them I'm trying to change them every three days like it says in the instructions.

I'm on day three. My sugars have been perfect thus far. But now they are so bad and won't come down. The spiked at breakfast (as in when to 18) and despite numerous corrections and increased basal they won't come down. Libre still shows upward trend.

I did have eye appointment today though so it could be stress. And I know that the higher I get the more stressed I get at being high.

I'm on my way home right now so will do a complete change when I get in. Just wondered if other people also have problems where they need to change the site more frequent.
Hi Amberzak in the early days of the pump I had to change my cannula at least every two days, sometimes once a day otherwise my levels would go up. I think that may be because of possible scarring due to so many years of injections in my tummy. When I had been on the pump for approximately three years I found that it was usually ok to change my cannula every three days.
I was told every two days - cos of the risk of infection... but I don't always do that and have never (touch wood) had a problem. I think everywhere makes their own rules.
We change every 3 days and that usually works fine. Very occasionally we get rising blood sugars on the third day which miraculously come down again as soon as we change the cannula, but not often enough for me to start considering changing every 2 days.

On a couple of occasions we have somehow gone into a 4th day without problems, but I wouldn't recommend that!! 😱
It does seem that three is the norm, but I'm far from normal. He he.

Changed the cannula and my sugars are back down to normal levels. So I definitely can't keep one in for 3 days.
I generally aim for between 2.5 and 3 days, but mostly I regulate this by only filling the reservoir with approx 3 day's worth and change when I get a 'low reservoir' alarm. Which on a few occasions has meant well into the 3rd or possibly even the 4th day. They do itch for me from about 2.5 days though!
I find it strange ! 2 or 3 does not fit in a week. So 2 day change & then a three :D. I have an alarm on my phone that tells me to change 😎. Have kept 1 in for more than 5 days 😱
Amberzak - I'm normally a 2 day girlie because the absorption drops off quite dramatically after that, wherever I stick the ruddy things. Had my pump for 5 years now, and it hasn't improved.

Occasionally I'll think, oh it's fine, I think I'll leave it - but then find I'll need to change it at a most inconvenient time instead of first thing in a morning before I've got dressed.

If that's what we need to do - that's what we need to do.
I change mine every two days too, because I got rising numbers on the third day when I tried doing it every 3 days and was advised by dsn to change the cannula every 48 hours.
This fits in ok with my full set change of tubing and cartridge. I do 2 cannula changes then a full set change every 3rd one, so every 6 days it is all changed and the cannula twice in between.
I think if your body is happy with doing it on the third day that is great, as it is less faffing, but if it isn't it is just the way each individual is different, so that is ok too.
Just read your other thread Amberzak, congratulations on your uni place, well done.
Thanks curlygirl. I'm very excited.

At least I'm not the only one who has to change every two days. It's the only thing I can think of as to why my sugars rise so much.
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