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how many carbs


Well-Known Member
hi all having spag bol tonight and not sure how to workout the carbs for the spaghetti as the back its as dry weight and i weighed it after i cooked it my son had 250 grams. the way i normally work out carbs is weight of food divided by 100 X the carb content of food per 100 gram which is 79 but this makes 179 carbs that cant be right must be around 45grams or somthing:confused:
hi all having spag bol tonight and not sure how to workout the carbs for the spaghetti as the back its as dry weight and i weighed it after i cooked it my son had 250 grams. the way i normally work out carbs is weight of food divided by 100 X the carb content of food per 100 gram which is 79 but this makes 179 carbs that cant be right must be around 45grams or somthing:confused:

maybe a bit late now, but a good book is collins gem carb counter.

for spaghetti, cooked weight (pasta almost doubles in weight when cooked) 100grams dried, 21g of carbs,

fresh egg pasta spaghetti 100g 21.4 g of carbs

wholemeal dried, 19.5 g of carbs

So i would work this out as approx 52.5g of carbs

hope this helps you :)