How Long Were You In Hospital??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All,

Just out of interest...Not sure either if this has already been discussed at some point.

How long were you in hospital when you were diagnosed??

The reason I ask is that again in a phone conversation with Bev..we were discussing this with regards to Nathan and A.

Nathan was diagnosed on Thursday 15th Feb 07 at 3.30pm...with DKA..and a ridiculous high BG in the high 40's..and barely concious...Nathan was then discharged on Saturday 17th Feb 07 at 1.30pm...We left the hospital in a total shocked...every emotion possible..Armed with various books, leaflets, medication, a rough understanding..or as much as what could be absorbed in hindsight..basically a naff and an all.

I still think this is way to short a length of stay...considering the mass amount of knowledge that is needed to start with...Compared with other countries..I suppose it would be classed a negliagble...As diagnosis in other countries you are in hospital for at least 2 weeks.

So I ask the question...How long were you all in for?...and do you think it was enough?

I was never in hosi only time i was in hosi was an op in nov that at the time was not related but later on was related after i had to have absesses removed, so luckily i have not been in with anything related to my diabetes (fingers crossed , touch wood and all that ) x
Hi Steff...

Ouch...Now they are painful....😡

aye was knocked out and had the 2 of them removed , all i have now is the insicion mark which will not go so i was left with scar but better then living with the agony of having absesses i guess

R went in on the Friday at 4pm. It was a complete disaster. Her bloods the previous day were 40.6 (blood test requested by GP to check for type 1 on the Monday could only be done on the Thu!) the hospital did not get hold of us to get her into hospital fast and it wasn't till the next day our GP phoned and said get her there quick! She was very poorly. She came out on the Monday, like you we were armed with leaflets; not knowing what we were doing with her bloods still in the high 20s with ketones. We apparently only stayed in that long because the diabetes team did not do weekends. I can vividly remember the nurses arguing about how to use the novopen to give R her first injection. Not something that fills you with hope.

It wasn't enough but now looking back on it to be honest it doesn't surprise me from the hospital we were under. We changed after joining CWD UK and realised pretty quickly the care we were getting wasn't adequate. We then transferred R to a better hospital - much better!!

I do wonder what it's like for adults to get diagnosed and if it's any better?!

P.S I hadn't let it lie with the old hospital and i will continue to work with them (and pester them!!)
I went to my doctor to get the results of tests done at her request, when I arrived she informed me that she had an ambulance on the way to take me into hospital. Next morning I woke up to find I was connected up to drips of saline, glucose and insulin. I was in hospital for 15 days

Hi Becca...

OMG....I had similar problems with Nathan....except it was our GP who messed up big time....I had taken Nathan to see him several times before he was diagnosed...with and showing all the symptoms...However on the Monday...after yet another appointment with him...the GP finally agreed to do a fasting BG test and Urine sample....the appointment was for Thursday the 15/02/07 at 9.30am...Its funny how I can remember the exact times...Well the Nurse called Nathan and me in to the suite.....She took his blood and dipped his urine...on dipping...She turned round to me and said..." Oh my, he is sky high with sugar and ketones, but dont worry about it, we will wait till (the following) Tuesday for the results, but dont be surprised if we phone you before.. Ok goodbye".....😱...I knew instinctivly that this was'nt right..and Nathan was detriorating before my eyes...Luckily My friend who is also type 1...came down and did Nathan's BG on her meter...It read High...with that I phoned the surgery back..spoke to a different GP explained the situation...The GP replied with one sentence..."HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY...DO YOU NEED A AMBULANCE?"......Panic set in but also a strange sense of calm.

The next week I went to see the inital GP and went beserk with him.....I got a written apology and acceptance that he was wrong.

not much better for me im afraid.

but initially diagnosed type 2, purely on age, no tests. given tablets that obviously did not work, went to see nurse at gp after a week and was sent straight to hospital, dont know how i drove there, just remember being in floods of tears and asking for someone to help me :(

after several hours in hospital and almost being sent home again, was finally seen by a doctor who knew what she was doing, said i was a type 1 and immediately given some insulin. next morning was awoken by doctors at end of bed saying "get her out, these cases should be treated by gp", sent packing even though had ketones and frankly looked like death warmed up, saw dsn and dietician first, but was a blur, remember dsn did not want me to go home with ketones but over ruled. yea usual literature, insulin pen, insulin and new meter and looking back very very poor. infact it upsets me to even recall all this again :(

sorry didnt mean to bore you all, it really annoys me that initial care seems to be so lacking, very bad :(

have to say my care is great now that i know what im talking about and have a great team at the hospital, but i feel you have to push for everything you want, you really do have to educate yourself dont you?
I was in for four nights, I was told when my doctor diagnosed me that i'd prob be in for a day!? And even that was too soon I had only just come off the sliding scale and drip I was on for dehydration that morning before I left. I don't think I was told anything that I should have been and like you got given a couple of leaflets. The consultant told me that within a couple of weeks that it'll become second nature (i'm still waiting after 18 months of having it). I was only taught to carb count after about 9 months which i think is just stupid really.
3 days

Tom was in for 3 days. I knew he was possibly diabetic as he had started wetting the bed, at first I thought it was because he had just started school. So I took him to my sisters who is type 1 to test his blood it was 28 so i went straight to the hospital.
I knew what was coming but I was totally heartbroken. All anyone kept saying to me was you will be ok because you have grown up with your sister being type 1. Believe me when it is your own child it is not any easier. I think I still cry now. In fact I think it is harder for me because I know all the bad points before they happen.!!!!! But nothing we can do about it.

I'm compiling diagnosis stories (working with parents from CWD UK) about how it went missed. It really is shocking that it is still happening. On the otherhand alot of GP/nurses etc... get it right so why can't it be widespread?!

I've collated over 50 ''stories'' that are appaling. I know for R it was the same, locum GP during the week wouldn't do a BM on R because the nurse had gone home(?!) it really is a simple test that could be done.

The file, when it is ready, will be sent around to organisations and government to promote awareness, specifically for type 1 in children, but it does make me wonder how it is for adults.

I need a new campaign to get my teeth into lol!!
Took my son to doctors at 4pm to discuss symptoms he been having for past 10 days. Urine test done and told almost certainly has 'd' so went to hospital within a couple of hours where more tests done. Tests took couple of hours. Confirmed 'd' but as he not too high we allowed home overnight and had to be back at hospital at 8am next morning. Spent a few hours there whilst my son was taught how to inject and we were given some basic advice/knowledge then sent home in afternoon.

His dsn came to our house next day and she has supported us since.

Fortunately he was diagnosed before he became too ill. I think this is partly because i picked up on his symptoms so quick as my brother in law (my sisters husband - so no blood relative) was diagnosed only the year before and it was at the forefront of my mind. :(
I have no memory (being only 11 months old at the time), but all your stories are frankly horrific!! How do we flag this up?!! I wonder are DUK aware of this, as surely this is the sort of thing they should be shouting & screaming at the politicos about? If my lad had been treated the way Nathan was I dread to think how I'd have reacted!!
D'oh, just seen Becca's reply - any help you want, shout!!
I know how you feel mcr. I still cry. It does so break your heart. Oh what i would give for it to be me and not him. But as you say, nothing can be done about it. We just have to keep strong for our precious kids. :(
not much better for me im afraid.

but initially diagnosed type 2, purely on age, no tests. given tablets that obviously did not work, went to see nurse at gp after a week and was sent straight to hospital, dont know how i drove there, just remember being in floods of tears and asking for someone to help me

after several hours in hospital and almost being sent home again, was finally seen by a doctor who knew what she was doing, said i was a type 1 and immediately given some insulin. next morning was awoken by doctors at end of bed saying "get her out, these cases should be treated by gp", sent packing even though had ketones and frankly looked like death warmed up, saw dsn and dietician first, but was a blur, remember dsn did not want me to go home with ketones but over ruled. yea usual literature, insulin pen, insulin and new meter and looking back very very poor. infact it upsets me to even recall all this again :(

sorry didnt mean to bore you all, it really annoys me that initial care seems to be so lacking, very bad :(

have to say my care is great now that i know what im talking about and have a great team at the hospital, but i feel you have to push for everything you want, you really do have to educate yourself dont you?

Hi Tracey.....

You have no way bored me with this...x🙂....I see exactly where you are coming from.

What worries me though..and this thread has only long been put the startling and alarming pattern that is emerging from Health Care Professionals........Is the misdiagnosis and lack of treatment etc while in hospital.

To be honest it still upsets me what Nathan went through before his diagnosis and what could have been done weeks before to help.

Hi Twitchy

DUK are first on my list for the diagnosis 'stories' when it's done. It is heartbreaking and frankly disgusting that this is allowed to happen. More awareness needs to be done for medical professionals as well as parents/adults to look out for symptoms. One of the reasons why i started to compile the 'stories' was that wherever you go in GPs surgeries/clinics there are posters highlighting meningitis and the signs to look out for. Looking at the stats the amount of children a year diagnosed with type 1 is equivalent to the amount diagnosed with meningitus. I don't know the figures for adults. There def. needs to be more awareness.

I'm compiling diagnosis stories (working with parents from CWD UK) about how it went missed. It really is shocking that it is still happening. On the otherhand alot of GP/nurses etc... get it right so why can't it be widespread?!

I've collated over 50 ''stories'' that are appaling. I know for R it was the same, locum GP during the week wouldn't do a BM on R because the nurse had gone home(?!) it really is a simple test that could be done.

The file, when it is ready, will be sent around to organisations and government to promote awareness, specifically for type 1 in children, but it does make me wonder how it is for adults.

I need a new campaign to get my teeth into lol!!

Hi Becca...

If I can be of any help at all in the campaign front please contact pm..I will give you my phone number....etc

I would love to help...because not just from my own experience....but to prevent this from happening to any other child, adult, parent or carer.

I have no memory (being only 11 months old at the time), but all your stories are frankly horrific!! How do we flag this up?!! I wonder are DUK aware of this, as surely this is the sort of thing they should be shouting & screaming at the politicos about? If my lad had been treated the way Nathan was I dread to think how I'd have reacted!!

Hi Twitchy....

OOOOOOHHHHH....believe me the GP new exactly what he had done when I had finished...and it took all my strength not to do something very silly.. In fact I shot off up into orbit and did'nt think I would ever come back down.

Your right something definately needs to be done to sort this out..and quickly

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