How long to Ozempic to make changes to blood sugar levels.


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am a mid-eighties male with type two Diabetes and a few other minor medical problems taking daily injections of Lyxumia 20 mg and who had experienced diarrhoea as a result of taking Metformin. My doctor stopped the Metformin and put me onto a once a week injection of Ozempic

I had stopped taking the Metformin for a week and my blood sugar ran at around 10.00 for a week prior to starting with an Ozempic injection Sunday 9th May 2021. My toilet motions had an immediate change to near enough normal and my blood sugar levels ran as follows:










Could someone who is taking Ozempic say how long it takes for sugar levels to become what I would consider to be normal such as around 7.
Seems no one takes it.
You only posted this morning, most people have busy lives. I take ozempic but for example today i have been swimming at 6:30am, then at work all day till 6pm, then shopping, cooking dinner, then at my volunteer role this evening and housework before i finally sat down or I would have replied sooner.

I’d say it builds gradually over about 6-8 weeks. If you’re only taking 0.25 then that’s just a low dose to get used to the side effects, it isn’t a full dose. It has a long half life as it lasts a week so I wouldn’t expect much blood sugar improvement until you’ve taken the full 0.5 dose for a couple of weeks.
I tend to work on the principle that any change is anything in your life will take at least two weeks to settle down to any meaningful BG reading.
(You also have to let the Metformin die down for a couple of weeks after you stop that)
I am on Ozempic in addition to other medications (plus of course a lower carb diet)
initially I was taking 0.25 of Ozempic for one month then as instructed increased dose to 0.5 which I’ve been on for about 8 months
DSN / GP on a recent video call suggested I might be suitable now I’ve been taking it for over 6 months to possibly double that dose to 1.0 (dependent on my latest Hba1c plus other tests)

I can’t really comment on if the Ozempic alone has reduced my blood sugars
However it has definitely has helped me with a weight loss of 25 kg

I wasn’t aware Ozempic was being used on its own to reduce blood sugars, but hey I’m not a health care professional
Hope your GP / DSN find the right mix of medications to help you control your blood sugars
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As far as I know Ozempic (GLP-1 agonist) works by stimulating the pancreas to release more insulin in the presence of elevated blood glucose.

It seems common (and wise) to start people on the lowest dose and only gradually increase up to higher doses after a number of weeks to let the body get used to the medication. As such I suspect it may well be several months before you would see the full effect?
Hello - have anyone of you had side effects of ozempic? My dr has recently suggested it for me - but I have read awful things about the side effects - sickness, diarrhoea etc. I’m not sure if to take it or not.
I have no side effects but there’s lots of threads of peoples experiences
Thank you - I’ll have a look. X
Just because they tell you that X, Y or Z 'may be' side effects never means that you, me or anyone else will ever get any of them! - because we really ARE all different. The main effect of em is to reduce the appetite so they start you off on a very low dose of it to see what happens. Obviously if you also get a whole bucketful of 'orrible side effects very soon - back to your GP pdq. If you don't get any - fine!
Waking, immediately before meals and 2 hours after first bite, and bedtime for a more full picture of what is going on.
What is the recomended time to take a blood test?
Do you mean a fingerprick test or a blood test from your arm at the GP or hospital?