How long to leave between changes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

I've just started the process of making basal adjustments from late afternoon into early evening on my daughters pump, made the first increase yesterday and although it's helped it clearly needs increasing further given her readings. How long to leave before I increase again? Does it need a few days to catch up on itself first ?

Thanks for any suggestions 🙂
I think, because the pump uses only quick-acting insulin, any basal changes you make should have their effect quite quickly.

I suppose how soon you increase again depends on how high your daughter's BG is. I tend to follow the rule of <13, wait at least 3 days before making another change. You don't want to do too much too quickly and find that BG plummets. However, if it's over 13 I might make changes sooner, but I'd still try to wait at least 2 days to make sure the first days' highs weren't because of a certain food, stress, or any other variable.

I know it can be frustrating to see high numbers day after day, but slow and steady really is the best way to go!

Hope this helps 🙂
Hi, thanks for the suggestion, I have held off to be on the safe side, I am sure I have read that somewhere or been told that before, just can't find the info when I need it 🙄.
TBH it's just as well I have been patient with it as the weather here is incredibly hot and muggy so she is running along the low side throughout the day today. Will just keep a close eye, I wish it were a bit cooler though !
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