How long have you used temp basal before making permanent change?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hiya all
I had half my thyroid out 2 weeks ago and have successfully used temp basal rates to keep goodish control. I was at +60% for a couple of days after the op and have very gradually reduced but I am still at +30% now.
Would you make the change permanent or wait a few more days?
if it were me I would set up another pattern. Then if you end up going back to your normal levels you can just switch over again.
Perhaps ask your team how long it will take before back to normal or is this a permenant increase due to the surgery. I know a messed up thyroid does cause blood sugar problems.
I used to use TBRs quite long term in an attempt to protect my 'normal' patterns (you only get 3 on a Veo), but more recently I've been getting the feeling that I will never 'go back to how it normally is' so I tend to tweak patterns more freely and see them as an ongoing/never ending work in progress 🙂
Well that's the thing PG - anyone having major surgery is going to have a need for extra insulin, trauma, innit? LOL

But how do you know when it changes from trauma which is only temporary to 'this is the norm from now on' ?

Personally after major surgery, gynae not endocrinological like yours, it took about 6 weeks to get back to where I was dosage-wise pre-op - so maybe that's about how long it normally takes? I dunno cos that's the only major I've ever had.

I'd go with EDUAD's suggestion myself I think, but the Combo has up to 5 basals so plenty of room on the pump to fiddle with it as many times as I'd like.

I only use TBRs for very short temporary glitches, also generally adjusting basals - I try it on a TBR for half a week and if it's still working well at the end of that, make it more permanent.
Thanks everyone. Wise words as usual. I have made anther basal at +30% and left the old one.
The word Temparary !! I only use this for 30mins or 60mins. If i have a cold or something my be a bit longer never never days ? Hope u get sorted 🙂
Glad I saved the normal as I went back on it yesterday. Thanks for all your help
Glad I saved the normal as I went back on it yesterday. Thanks for all your help

Glad to hear you are normal 😛:D
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