How long before do you order ?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi , this is more for people that reorder with Roche , i have an Accu- Chek combo and im getting nearer to placing my first order, when would you recommend putting in order when i have how many ibnfusion sets left ? I know i will learn after a few times but when its the first order just want to make sure i do it right . Can i also ask do they mind if you have to put in little orders in between ( if you forget something ) or is it best to do one bigger order every so often thanks 🙂

I don't have a roche, so don't have any experience with them. But medtronic have been fantastic for me. I placed my first order fairly soon after starting on the pump and now I order when I am down to my last box of something or when I have an oh $%^& moment coz I'm down to my last canula heh!
We can order 6 months worth at a time and I would say order yours 1 month before you need them as sometimes they can have problems with stock etc.🙂Bev
I try to order when I've got only a month's stuff left but occaisionally (if I've been a total bumberclut) I need to order earlier to top myself up.

Been ordering now from Rouche for almst 3 years never had a problem nor been told that something is out of stock!

I used to order when I got on my last box or last week of supplies, Rouche has now put me on a automated 3 monthly order and all I have to do is ring it I want any adjustments made to the order..

Two things to remember..

If you want next day delivery, then place order before 12pm

If you order something between main order, remember that any order that below ?100 postal has to be paid for (trick here is to order a box of cannulars with what you want) then post is paid

If you really need the order quick and are at work, they will send the parcel to your work or another confinient address where it can be signed for..
Just put in first order , dont know what i was worrying about 🙂 They said it will be here possibly tomorrow if not by monday .Thanks for all your advice ~Jenny 🙂
thanks jenny you just reminded me i need to put an order in! .....i only have 4 left😱 lol
I tend to order when I just have one box left. But I ordered early this time because I wanted the shorter tubes 🙂

I also have three boxes of the old style flexlinks thanks to their mistake...I have no idea what to do with them LOL!

Give them a ring you should be able to send them back, failing that if you keep them to one side put an notice here free to good home.. Somebody might get caught short and can make good use of them...
I got told by the dsn to "always order over ?150 worth so the hospital wouldn't get charged delivery" ... what she didn't tell me with this nice little guilt trip was how much anything costs!! 🙄 Roche were kind enough to tell me about the box of canulas trick, phew! The thing I found tricky was getting hold of more of the pump user diary booklets - the first time i tried to get some I spoke to 2 different lines & a couple of people who didn't really seem clued up on which booklet was which, surprise surprise, nowt arrived! I think I confused them by asking if the hospital would be charged or whether they were a free issue item like the control solutions sometimes are for the meters (the Aviva solution is not available on prescription). I tried calling again & got through to a much more switched on chap, he sent me half a dozen but I don't know if the hospital were charged or not?! 😱 No-one's tried to beat me with sticks yet, at any rate...
Got delivery today 2 days not bad at all 🙂
THat was strange steffi , we posted at same time lol🙂
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