How iPhone 12's Lidar and AI help me navigate the street as a blind person

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Technology that can describe the environment around it can be life-changing for blind people or those who have sight loss.

Apple’s iPhone 12, uses a Lidar (light detection and ranging) and artificial intelligence to enable users to identify objects and detect how close people are to other people around them.

In the age of the coronavirus pandemic where maintaining social distancing is important, such technology could prove particularly useful.

Blind reporter Lucy Edwards tries the technology on her local high street for BBC Click.

(video, 4 minutes)

I saw this on Click the other day and it looked amazing. I know many of our members suffer vision loss or impairment, so this looks like it may help, hopefully 🙂
I’ve got an iPhone 12 Pro on order, so I’ll give that test run.

It’s not exactly cutting edge, just a development of those annoying beeps you get in your car just before you run over next door’s dog.
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