Hello, just reaching the end of my first 2 week sensor and it's quite depressing viewing! I think I've attached the summary graphs of each week, just wondering how these compare to other T1s- and if yours are better, how do you do it????
I was determined to make the 2nd week better than the 1st, by having low carb breakfasts and injecting 30 mins before lunch to try to reduce the spikes. However, my insulin sensitivity seemed to massively decrease in the second week and so I was increasing breakfast doses and morning correction doses daily... I was waking up high and staying high all day. Finally today I got it about right, a day before the sensor finishes! So the peaks are less in the 2nd week but my problem seems to be the dawn phenomenon between 3am and when I get up at 7am. I can't increase my night time levemir as then I'll have a hypo overnight (I only take 2.5u at night and 9.5u in the morning... was until recently taking 3.5u at night but a basal test showed this caused a drop of 10mmol)). I'm emailing my DSN the graphs with a few more details to ask if she has any suggestions, angling to get a pump as I don't know how else I can improve the morning readings, but I'm worried that as my HbA1C is 52 that's seen as ok so there won't be any need for a pump. I don't know how typical these graphs are, hence the question!
I really would like to iron out the peaks and trough somehow if I can... any suggestions?
Hello, just reaching the end of my first 2 week sensor and it's quite depressing viewing! I think I've attached the summary graphs of each week, just wondering how these compare to other T1s- and if yours are better, how do you do it????
I was determined to make the 2nd week better than the 1st, by having low carb breakfasts and injecting 30 mins before lunch to try to reduce the spikes. However, my insulin sensitivity seemed to massively decrease in the second week and so I was increasing breakfast doses and morning correction doses daily... I was waking up high and staying high all day. Finally today I got it about right, a day before the sensor finishes! So the peaks are less in the 2nd week but my problem seems to be the dawn phenomenon between 3am and when I get up at 7am. I can't increase my night time levemir as then I'll have a hypo overnight (I only take 2.5u at night and 9.5u in the morning... was until recently taking 3.5u at night but a basal test showed this caused a drop of 10mmol)). I'm emailing my DSN the graphs with a few more details to ask if she has any suggestions, angling to get a pump as I don't know how else I can improve the morning readings, but I'm worried that as my HbA1C is 52 that's seen as ok so there won't be any need for a pump. I don't know how typical these graphs are, hence the question!
I really would like to iron out the peaks and trough somehow if I can... any suggestions?