how does stress affect you??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Feeling pretty rubbbish, at work, got a lot on, finding it (work) difficult having to think!!

So levels dipping low for me into 3's taking a while to recover, I hope they will, is this stress? how do you all get affected by stress??

Or maybe I got ratios wrong at lunch?? Who knows!! Grrrrrr.
Hope you feel better.

Stress usually sends me higher. For me it is a double whammy as I also want more chocolate.

Strees affects us all in different ways and we all have our own ways of dealing with it. Also what is stressfull for one person is a day on the beach for another.
I'm another one who goes high.

I imagine it depends on how you deal with the stress though. I tend to withdraw and get sullen. If you're the sort of person who has to vent your anger when stressed then I suppose that may cause you to go low.

Again from a kiddies point of view only they get stressed with school tests and the older ones with GCSE's etc and they can affect their levels so stress is a great one for playing havoc with the blood sugars.

I hope you are ok and get through today. Take care.

I tend to go high when I get stressed.

Yup! Stress sends me higher too! Hope you're feeling better soon Rossi.🙂
i go low when I'm stressed. very low
Stress tends to send my blood sugar onwards an upward. That made sitting my A levels quite interesting.
Im quite laid back so Im not often stressed , but if I am I go HIGHER 😱😱
Hi Ross...

Hope you feeling a bit better today...🙂

Depending on the type of stress Nathan is experiencing, he can go lower or higher....

Hi Ross...

Hope you feeling a bit better today...🙂

Depending on the type of stress Nathan is experiencing, he can go lower or higher....


Not too bad thanks Heidi.

I'm glad there are at least a couple who go low I was begining to wonder.
Hi peeps...

Sorry to post here....although I'm not diabetic....and its not about my high or low blood sugar......My blood pressure is going through the roof at the stupid a suppliers..has sent the wrong bit for my I have not got what I would call hot water or heating.....My poor plumber just been on the phone...apologising for what the supplier has done....bless the plumber it not his fault....

Hi peeps...

Sorry to post here....although I'm not diabetic....and its not about my high or low blood sugar......My blood pressure is going through the roof at the stupid a suppliers..has sent the wrong bit for my I have not got what I would call hot water or heating.....My poor plumber just been on the phone...apologising for what the supplier has done....bless the plumber it not his fault....


Heidi, just be thankful that your endocrine system can cope with stress! I know you are BTW!😉
Hope you feel better.

Stress usually sends me higher. For me it is a double whammy as I also want more chocolate.

Ditto , ditto, ditto... and stress isn't the word for it, at the moment....
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