How does DUK fund Research?

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Diabetes UK

Know Diabetes. Fight Diabetes
Staff member
A few discussions came up in the 'Ask Diabetes UK' thread about how Diabetes UK goes about choosing which research programmes to fund. So, when Anna Morris - Head of Research Funding posted a blog post, in response to some excellent questions raised by on of our regular bloggers, Helen May - I thought I would share it 🙂

The Diabetes Research Product Manager – by Helen May

Let’s talk about research – by Anna Morris
Hi and thanks. I just wish DUK would fund more research into the profile of T1 diagnosis with age. We see on all the forums many, like myself, who are mis-diagnosed later in life as T2s when we are actually Late onset T1. This causes the statistics used for research to be incorrect and perpetuates the view that sadly DUK and the NHS seem to hold that T1 is very much just a condition of childhood. This skews any research into the causes of diabetes when the T1/T2 categories are treated so rigidly?
Right on, Dave, the rigidity of thinking is holding back correct treatment. A 50 year old walking into his GP surgery losing weight, peeing syrup and with a BG of 20 would instantly be classed as type 2 and bunged on Metformin. A 20 year old would doing the same would be type1 and be referred to hospital for insulin treatment. All based on prehistoric classifications and teaching, and this, as you say, skews research into causes.
Thank you DaveB, you raise a really good point. I will pass on your feedback to the research team and to the rest of the organisation. We collect feedback from supporters on a weeekly basis to understand any thing that we should be aware of as an organisation - so thank you 🙂
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