how does doc find out what type i am

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi, ive just been diganosed as diabetic, just introduced myself in the new to forum section. just wondering if someone could tell me how the nurse finds out which type i am when i go see her on monday, sorry if this sounds silly but i dont have any idea about any of this. ive been on the forum all evening though and finding it very helpful. 🙂
hi, ive just been diganosed as diabetic, just introduced myself in the new to forum section. just wondering if someone could tell me how the nurse finds out which type i am when i go see her on monday, sorry if this sounds silly but i dont have any idea about any of this. ive been on the forum all evening though and finding it very helpful. 🙂

Hi Tracey, there are some basic tests and symptoms which distinguish the dx of the two main types.
Basically if you are seriously ill and/or rushed into hospital you are Type 1.
If you feel grotty for various reasons, have high blood glucose but are still walking round you are probably Type 2.
Age is also a factor - more likely Type 2 over 40, more likely Type 1 under 20.
There other rare types but they are usually dxed as Type 2 to start with.
Of course if you are pregnant is might be Gestational Diabetes - temporary during pregnancy but a warning for the future.
thanks for clearing that up for me peter. i was dignosed through 2 blood tests an both were high, 9.1 an 10.4. im 37 years old so im most likely to be type 2 then, thanks again for the imformation.
thanks for clearing that up for me peter. i was dignosed through 2 blood tests an both were high, 9.1 an 10.4. im 37 years old so im most likely to be type 2 then, thanks again for the imformation.

Hello again,
there is also a strong hereditary element in Type 2 in particular. Did your mum have T2 ?
The nature/nurture debate is going on in Jean's thread, is it the genes or the grub ?

"There's a divinity doth shape our ends, rough hew them how we will". Hamlet.
yeah peter my mum had type 2, also my sister developed type 2 about 3 years ago. i am over weight though an smoke so that maybe dosent help me either. thanks ill have a look at the thread.
yeah peter my mum had type 2, also my sister developed type 2 about 3 years ago. i am over weight though an smoke so that maybe dosent help me either. thanks ill have a look at the thread.

Sorry Tracey, but you need to stop smoking NOW! :(

Smoking on its own is bad enough, but mix it with diabetes and you're really dodging a hail of bullets.

On the good side though, think of all that lovely money that you could save! We're talking THOUSANDS OF POUNDS A YEAR! 🙂
Hi Tracey, there are some basic tests and symptoms which distinguish the dx of the two main types.
Basically if you are seriously ill and/or rushed into hospital you are Type 1.
If you feel grotty for various reasons, have high blood glucose but are still walking round you are probably Type 2.
Age is also a factor - more likely Type 2 over 40, more likely Type 1 under 20.
There other rare types but they are usually dxed as Type 2 to start with.
Of course if you are pregnant is might be Gestational Diabetes - temporary during pregnancy but a warning for the future.

Or you could be like me and be weird i was DX at 26 and have no type 2s in the family ive even asked about generations that passed before i was born.
Sorry Tracey, but you need to stop smoking NOW! :(

Smoking on its own is bad enough, but mix it with diabetes and you're really dodging a hail of bullets.

On the good side though, think of all that lovely money that you could save! We're talking THOUSANDS OF POUNDS A YEAR! 🙂

hi andy, yeah i know i realy have to stop smoking, actuly been thinking about it anyway, easier said than done though. no dought the nurse will bring this up next week an hopefully with their help ill be able to give up as with so many other things im gonna have to give up. gonna be so hard to ajust to all these changes in my lifestyle an i just hope i can do it, but i guess im just gonna have to.
I used to be a smoker too, so have some understanding about giving up (but only for me, not for other people!).

I was lucky, because when I stopped (and it was a full stop, there was no "I'll just have one more for old times sake!" 😉 ), I also moved from Sheffield down to London. It was a complete change of scene and removed the situations where I tended to smoke. For me, I think that it all boiled down to the habit of smoking rather than any physical need. The change of scene broke that habit.

Good luck with stopping smoking!


p.s. Oh, by the way, having diabetes doesn't mean you have to give things up. I've actually started eating things that I never used to before and really like it!!
thanks for the support peter, yeah i agree i think smokings more to do with your social life rather than pysical. if i change my lifesyle habits like having coffee an biscuits for breakfast (which im afraid i do) then i wont think about a smoke afterwards. well done for quitting by the way, hope i will be able to say the same soon 🙂
Go for it Tracey. I stopped smoking many years ago now before the advent of things like Nicorette patches, there's loads of help out there for folk these days when they want to stop. You can do it.

I was diagnosed last year as type 2, though that's changed recently to LADA. Research (talking to my uncle and great-uncle) has shown that no-one else in my family has had the Big D. I thought my great-granddad and mother might have, but their circulation problems were brought on by high blood pressure, not a problem for me.
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thanks alison, yeah we have plenty of support out there now a days so i realy have no excuse. hopefully in a few months down the line ill have given up complety x
thanks alison, yeah we have plenty of support out there now a days so i realy have no excuse. hopefully in a few months down the line ill have given up complety x

Don't wait tracey, do it now! The sooner you do it, the sooner you will get over it - you'll feel the benefits immediately! I stopped smoking 15 years ago after reading Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking (amazon link). It's a very quick read and costs less than a packet of fags!:D
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