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How do you remember?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Early last week, I was asked when I have the next physio appointment for my arm.
My response went something like this …
“I have two appointments. One is in January and the other is in February. One is on the 13th and one is on the 14th. I would remember if I had an appointment on Valentines’ Day. So my next appointment must be on 14th January.”

This got me thinking how I remember other things like
- wiring a plug is about the second letter of the cable colours : bLue goes to the Left, bROwn goes the the right and the sTriped one goes to the Top.
- I read left to right. I know how to read so I can work out which is left and right.
- the “a” in “am” should stand for “afternoon” but it doesn’t so pm must be the afternoon.
- port (the drink) is red (ignoring white port) so when sailing, the red light is port. And “port” has four letters just like “left” so I must keep the red light to my left. The other one is green so it must be starboard in the right.

Am I the only person with such convoluted ways of remembering things or do others have their own memory aids?
Oh yes. When you face North, the initial letters of West and East spell WE. I was taught that at Primary school , and still have to imagine i’m facing North and spell it out, if i need to know which direction is which.
I used to work on property management, and had to remember the historic quarter days, on which rents are due. Christmas day is obvious, then March is on the 25th because the word March has 5 letters, June is on the 24th because the word June has 4 letters, September is on the 29th because the word September has 9 letters.
Dates is easy.....diary......if i didnt id miss lots of appointments lol

Time......i use a 24 hour clock so am and pm dont enter the equation
I used to have an elephantine memory and never needed any help to remember anything. As I've got older it's not quite as good as it used to be, I use my phone calendar for appointments, but I don't use any mnemonics for remembering other things.
I always use my knuckles to remember how many days in each month, the knuckle is 31 and the valley 30 or 28 or 29.
A few from school - to spell necessary “never eat cake, eat salmon sandwiches and remain young”

To spell because - ”big elephants can always understand small elephants”

Is an envelope stationery or stationary? E for envelope
One that tickles me is “i before e, except after c” which is wrong more times than it is right. :D
Someone at work (younger than me) mentioned 'E for envelope' one day when I mentioned I could never remember which was which and wished someone had ever said that to me previously - never had trouble there, since. Port and starboard have never really been a prob, since in centuries past they used to be known as starboard and larboard. Larboard starts with an L, which = Left. Just have to put my brain in sailing gear, which just isn't natural to this landlubber, since I've always had difficulty remembering when you shove the tiller away from you and when you pull it closer. Just giz a steering wheel!
Port and starboard have never really been a prob, since in centuries past they used to be known as starboard and larboard. Larboard starts with an L, which = Left.

And of course, by tradition, you pass the red port wine left around the table
My spelling/grammar aide memoire is when to use words ending in "ice" and when to use those ending in "ise" like advise/advice and practise/practice.
I remember that cold frozen water, ice, is a noun so words ending in cold frozen water are also nouns.
So my advice is to advise you to think of cold frozen water.
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My spelling/grammar aide memoire is when to use words ending in "ice" and when to use those ending in "ise" like advise/advise and practise/practice.
I remember that cold frozen water, ice, is a noun so words ending in cold frozen water are also nouns.
So my advice is to advise you to think of cold frozen water.
Oooh I like that one. I always have to think twice.
I only learnt E for envelope a few years ago, game changer.
As for I before E except after C, try telling your beige neighbour Keith that! 😛
I never have a prob with quarterdays since in 1967 when I went to work for an insurance company, 99.9% of insurance policies fell due for renewal on the nearest quarterday. 25 March Ladyday, 24 June Midsummer, 29 September Michaelmas, 25 December Christmas.

And the sailing term 'port' used to be known as 'larboard' way back when, so L = Left, hence 'port' is Left and 'starboard', Right.

Best to keep white port in the coldest part of your fridge if you want to thoroughly enjoy it as an aperitiv. Not fussed which way you pass the bottle to me!
Oooh I like that one. I always have to think twice.
I only learnt E for envelope a few years ago, game changer.
As for I before E except after C, try telling your beige neighbour Keith that! 😛
Never heard of it before it was posted yesterday.