How do you control your sugar cravings?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
If you have them that is. Even having been diagnosed with type 2 in the last year the thing I really struggle with is not eating sugar, mostly chocolate. I can sometimes go without for a week but eventually cave in. My only real way of trying to keep off sugar is to eat more carbs but you can see the problem can't you.....
After ten years, I still haven't found the answer.

If someone comes up with a magic solution or a pill, sign me up 🙂
For the last week I have craved for a 'pukka' steak and kidney pie😉
There is a tv prog sponsored by the manufacturer and every time it's been shown I've literally drooled like a hungry dog; soaked my beard:(

Spotted them on offer in local supermarket on special offer so had one with mash and baked beans for lunch.

It's cured me for the moment - even seemed to lower my gl before tea.

It still isn't as bad as giving up smoking my beloved pipe after 52 years of puffing.(at 08:10 on 16 October 2006)
After ten years, I still haven't found the answer.

If someone comes up with a magic solution or a pill, sign me up 🙂

I believe amputation at base of neck is the only real cure; not available on NHS:(
I think its human nature!!!! I was never a chocoholic before being diagnosed but since I often crave chocolate!!!
I never used to be a sweet tooth but now I'm told i'm not allowed it i want it even more!
when i'm having lunch at work I will quite often have a biscuit or 2 at the end of a meal and i find it does subside the craving until dinner! Then for dinner why not try doing some baking?! something healthy and sweet like apple pie using sweetner, also with a bit of cinnamon becuase there has been a stufy to show that cinnamon is an ingredient that can naturally lower the blood sugar!

I hope this can give u some ideas! 🙂
simple, just eat it, and take more insulin!
I just posted this to sparklestar - maybe you will find this useful

I was started on Metformin 15 years ago and struggled with high blood sugars for 3 years. I then decided to go the diet alone route and have never had high blood sugars since. My A1cs are in the 5% range and my average fasting plasmer glucose is < 6mmol/L. The diet I chose was low carb (if you don't put the glucose into your body - how can it raise your blood sugar!) but I cannot offer you advice but would recommend you talk to a professional that knows about this approach. Please be aware it is NOT an easy option but it does work.

NOTE: All carbs will raise your blood sugar - some faster than others (low GI is best)

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simple, just eat it, and take more insulin!

I have to admit, since learning carb-counting, I have tended to inject insulin to allow for some 'treats', usually with a meal. My sugars seem to stay OK and I'm lucky that I don't need to worry about my weight - I'm borderline underweight, so I need to put weight on not lose it.🙂
sweet fruit

I control my sugar cravings with fruit.....I cut up an apple, few grapes and a small banana add two tbsps low fat yogurt and smother the whole lot with Canderel.....yummy😛
it has to be said i'm with tracey on this one, take more insulin
Sweet treats

Hi everyone, I found (recommendation from a friend) that Agave Nectar helps with the sugar cravings. Its an extract from a cactus plant - tend to find it on the shelf in Asda and Tesco but they do tend to hide it on different shelves.

Its sweeter than sugar and doesn't seem to have any affect on glucose levels. I make myself a sweet to take to work each day with fruit, agave nectar, cinnamon and natural yoghurt. It seems to satisfy the sweet craving for the day. I'm diet controlled and did take lots of measurements when I first started using Agave and I've had no adverse reactions.

Best wishes

I know they're not sweet, but peanuts are a good idea if you just want something to nibble on, as they don't have carbs and have 'good' fat in them. Not too many though, if you're trying to lose weight!
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