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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As above I usually start sensor with reader first then I phone second , find it easier to carry reader with me because of its size. dropped a clanger started sensor with phone , now I'm wondering how to upload from phone to libre view on my laptop .On a slightly different subject when ever i contact Abbott customer services to report another couple of sensor failures, it always seems to be the replacement sensors they send out that seem to stop working a couple of days after fitting, never had one last the full 14 days ,
Just connect your phone to the internet and it will upload automatically
If you linked your LibreLink app to your Libre view account, then the phone will send the data automatically. I think this may well be part of the phone app set up, so hopefully it will already be sending the data.
I would guess it is purely coincidence re replacement sensors failing or something to do with your application technique or skin or body chemistry or lifestyle.
What sort of failures have you been experiencing? ie. Adhesive failure, inaccurate readings, loss of signal, sensor shutting down early?
I have been using Libre for over 3 years and I can count on one hand with fingers to spare the number of actual failures I have had in that time. I had a few in the early days that I pulled loose on things like door frames and clothing or scrubbed loose in the shower. Now I wear an arm strap, The arm strap allows the sensor adhesive to make a really strong bond with my skin in the first few hours after application, it protects the sensor from clothing and inanimate objects and acts as a visual reminder when I am in the shower that it is on that arm and I need to be careful as well as supporting the sensor when the hot water no doubt softens the adhesive.
I've only used my phone as the reader on one sensor, and TBH like Barbara I decided the reader was easier for me, even though I have to download it to Libreview and plug it in to charge it BUT to my astonishment the whole fortnight's phone only readings were already on Libreview once I opened that on my laptop without me doing anything else whatever. I wondered how I was going to download the phone since new phones don't use the same charging cable as the readers cos it's a different shaped 'plug hole' now. (er, what is the correct word, is it 'plug socket' and hence therefore also 'plug' on end of charging cable???)
If you linked your LibreLink app to your Libre view account, then the phone will send the data automatically. I think this may well be part of the phone app set up, so hopefully it will already be sending the data.
I would guess it is purely coincidence re replacement sensors failing or something to do with your application technique or skin or body chemistry or lifestyle.
What sort of failures have you been experiencing? ie. Adhesive failure, inaccurate readings, loss of signal, sensor shutting down early?
I have been using Libre for over 3 years and I can count on one hand with fingers to spare the number of actual failures I have had in that time. I had a few in the early days that I pulled loose on things like door frames and clothing or scrubbed loose in the shower. Now I wear an arm strap, The arm strap allows the sensor adhesive to make a really strong bond with my skin in the first few hours after application, it protects the sensor from clothing and inanimate objects and acts as a visual reminder when I am in the shower that it is on that arm and I need to be careful as well as supporting the sensor when the hot water no doubt softens the adhesive.
Thanks for your reply like yourself I purchased 2 of the elasticated arm straps from e bay and various over plasters which I found a bit tricky to apply, and prefer to use the straps instead . Regarding sensor failures the ones I get on prescription from local pharmacy mostly work for the 14 day duration unless I have had a bleed when applying the sensor or removing clothing and the sensor has come away, I can identify the replacement ones prior to fitting as they do not have the labels on the box ,that the ones prescribed from pharmacy have. Just this week I have fitted 2 of the replacement ones ,both have failed first one stopped working on day 6, second one failed this morning after 3 days use adhesive had worked on both and arm strap worn on both .I have very hairy arms and as such i shave off hair prior to fitting a sensor and dry with a hair dryer prior to fitting , but still think that the adhesive patch is not robust enough ( just my opinion I suspect others may disagree,) I recently uninstalled Libre Link from phone and installed the latest version and maybe I didn't link it to my Libre view account.
I've only used my phone as the reader on one sensor, and TBH like Barbara I decided the reader was easier for me, even though I have to download it to Libreview and plug it in to charge it BUT to my astonishment the whole fortnight's phone only readings were already on Libreview once I opened that on my laptop without me doing anything else whatever. I wondered how I was going to download the phone since new phones don't use the same charging cable as the readers cos it's a different shaped 'plug hole' now. (er, what is the correct word, is it 'plug socket' and hence therefore also 'plug' on end of charging cable???)
I know what you mean I think it's called a lightning charging cable and mine dosen't have a u.s.b. plug on the other end so can't connect to laptop. I don't get on with techno ,I think my brain is purely analouge
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