How do I tell someone I have diabetes?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I'm pretty new to this site. Does anyone have any good ways of opening a discussion with a new boss or new friend to explain you have diabetes?

I just find it the hardest conversation to open up.

Thanks for any suggestions
Hi Sammie and welcome to the forum, I actually found it the hardest telling my father my OH was a doddle, i found it easier to tell him face to face but it took me a long while i would of been happy telling him over the phone but my OH persuaded me it was not something he would like to be told by his daughter over the phone.
To be honest new friends i have made i have not really rushed to tell them as i dont see it as any of there business,whereas with a boss it can be a little bit harder as you never know how there going to react, you can get some really great understanding bosses but also some not so that can be really horrid, i guess its all about pshching yourself and taking the bulls by the horn, if the freind dont like it then there not worth your friendship and if the boss dont like it then well tough if they did do something it would be discrimination and thats not allowed x

At the end of the day your diabetes is nothing to be ashamed of dont hide it and only tell people when YOU are ready.

Good luck
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It's that bit of "um... there's something I need to tell you......" that just makes my mouth dry up and my heart race. I remember I told someone once and they took 2 steps backwards and just said "oh"
It's that bit of "um... there's something I need to tell you......" that just makes my mouth dry up and my heart race. I remember I told someone once and they took 2 steps backwards and just said "oh"

I know where your coming from hun on a slightly diffirent subject it took me 7 month to tell my dad i was pregnant i was totally bricking it and in the end he was fine with it, I think sometimes we build things up in our minds to be bigger then they actually turn out to be.The person you told who took 2 steps back should be ashamed of themselves, what do they think they can catch it or something. :(

who is it you actually want to tell is it a new boss and a new mate yeah?
well unless you are in a situation where it might effect them in some way, i dont think you particuarly need to tell them. I can think of lots of situations where it may effect them, but unless u are actually in one or think one may occur then i dont think you need to broadcast it to everyone do u.

e.g. if u were going on a night out with a new friend, you might say that we need to stop and get something to eat, they say they dont want to, so u explain to them u are diabetic, etc, etc.
I find it easiest to tell people when I'm doing something like a BG test or injection, then you can just drop it into the conversation at the time.
I believe in just being straightforward, so I'm a open person and if they dont like it, their loss not ours!

I'm pretty new to this site. Does anyone have any good ways of opening a discussion with a new boss or new friend to explain you have diabetes?

I just find it the hardest conversation to open up.

Thanks for any suggestions


Yes, diabetes can be a difficult subject to mention, as it is so personal. I think you have to pick the right moment but it does depend on the person you want to tell.

I have been working with a new person for almost 2 months. I was fortunate yesterday that when they asked me how I was, I hadn't been feeling too well last week, partly due to poor blood sugar control. This then opened up discussion about diabetes ... and they had an aunt who had Type 2 etc!

When eating out with new people, I usually explain that I have to go and give myself my insulin jab when food is on the table.

In the workplace, I feel it is only fair to inform your colleagues what the symptoms of a hypo are and what to do if you need help. Hopefully if you are honest with people (whoever they are) about your diabetes, they will listen and offer support if they choose to.

Best wishes
from Sugarmouse
Welcome to the site 🙂

For me it usually comes up with new people when I'm doing a BG test or giving an injection. That tends to open up the conversation pretty well!

In terms of employers, I lay it down straight for them. I tell them a little about the condition, tell them about hypos and hypers and what I would need them to do if I go low and need some time out. I make it very clear how serious the condition is, but at the same time let them know that I can handle it most of the time.
When I was first diagnosed I made an appointment to see the HR advisor at work and got the diabetes put on my personal record. Then I told my then manager and my close colleagues because everyone is very generous with the chocolate in my office.

The hardest person to tell was my mother who blames everything on me even when I'm not there!

My opening gambit at work was 'I am letting everyone know I am diabetic. I don't want any one to be offended when I turn down the sweets, so I thought it better to tell you why now'

BY the way Steff, I was 8 monthe pregnant before I told anyone and four days before big boy was born I was at London Zoo with a six foot reticulated python draped round my shoulders for reptile week!
i tend to let the tattoo on my arm do the talking. I dont see why its a problems bringing it up. in my office there is me and another type 1 next to me, as we work for network rail and its a safety critical job we both have to have regular medicals.

if you had a bad back and needed a special chair at work would you feel the same about bringing that to your boss' attention?
Thanks folks.

It's actually a new boss I want to tell this time and I was getting my knickers in a twist about it.

Apart from that the last friend I had to tell is now my husband. But I didn't do it very well as my BS had dropped to 1.4 at the time and I just crashed in front of him. We look back and laugh about it now though!
Thanks folks.

It's actually a new boss I want to tell this time and I was getting my knickers in a twist about it.

Apart from that the last friend I had to tell is now my husband. But I didn't do it very well as my BS had dropped to 1.4 at the time and I just crashed in front of him. We look back and laugh about it now though!

Aww well least he certainly got the message,Like someone said just be upfront with them, unfortunetly like with a friend its not something you cant tell your employee incase something happens while your in the work environment, good luck with it all it will just happen and when it does you will wonder what all the worry was about x
for me it wasnt difficuly telling the people i knew at the time as i was in hospital with DKA and everyone knew anyway!

As for telling new people....i have recently started a new job and had to write down that i had a certain medical condition (i was filling the form out infront of her) and was so nervous when i handed her the form back and all she said was.."i know nothing about diabetes" so i just had to explain to her what i had to do and that i may need a break here and there and she was completely fine with it.

Sometimes people ask about my bracelet and then they find out that way and sometimes i will just check my sugar infront of people and they find out that way.

I think its always hard to tell someone that you have diabetes but you will find alot more people know what its about then what you thought.
Usually I don't say anything because it feels awkward to me. I will usually just check my blood sugar or inject in front of them and that prompts then to ask if I am diabetic.
I can't think how I tell people. I think I just ask them if they are squeamish as I need to test inject, and that starts the conversation off.
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