When was yours?
July 2022
Same as
@everydayupsanddowns and
@helli I've never been an "ill" person so it came as a big shock - Went through all of the emotions as described in the change curve:
What were the circumstances that led to it?
We'd just sort of got over COVID and I started to get some itchy skin, in various areas - worst was painful cracked sin on hands, but flaky skin on legs too and also behind the ears and on the eyelids - I consulted Dr Google and determined I had Psoriasis - managed to get an online consultation with my GP and sent her pictures of the affected areas - she asked me to come straight down to the surgery for a face-to-face appointment - she took some more pictures to send off to a dermatologist for a full diagnosis, and also had the practice nurse take some blood and checked my BP (which was high), plus height and weight - I was sent away with a precription for some cream to help with the symptoms until it was confirmed
Got a call from her again 2 days later and she asked me to come in to see her again - she said that my blood had come back in the diabetic range (only just - with HbA1c of 49) - she also confirmed Psoriasis diagnosis and precribed me all manner of steroid and Vitamin D creams for this (which cost me a fortune!) - she said she was going to speak to the diabetic team at the local hospital as she didn't think I was a classic type 2
A couple of days later I was called in again and prescribed slow-release Metformin (can't remember the exact dose but had a to have a large tablet before every meal) and a BG Monitor and test strips and was told to monitor my levels - was sent away again - another couple of days past (with ahem, insteresting digestive problems)
, and was called back in again, for another blood test - she was convinced I was type 1 as over the past week or so she'd noticed that I'd lost even more weight and had also been diagnosed with another auto-immune condition (Psoriasis) - this one was an antibody test which would take a couple of weeks to come back - in the meantime I was finger-prick testing 8-10 times a day and what was clear was that the Metformin was doing nothing, other than giving me bad stomach problems, to put it politely!
2-3 weeks past and I had another phone call from her - the Antibody test had come back positive for 2 auto-antibodies and I was now officially type 1 - was given an appointment the next day at the Diabetes Centre and was sent away with a Libre and 2 insulin pens that I didn't really have clue what to do with!
Then the learning began - I bought the Carbs & Cals Book and started eating more carbs as instructed by a dietician as my weight was concerning - I also bought the "Think Like a Pancreas" Book and literally read it from cover to cover in a day or two - I found the online BERTIE Course and did that too, literally in one or two sittings
The rest is history - eventually got on to a face-to-face DAFNE course which started on my 49th birthday last year and since then have more than doubled my insulin intake as the "honeymoon period" has gradually come to an end (I hate that phrase
, as it's anything but a honeymoon
I found this forum and have found it brilliant, with some wonderful people offering great advice - so much so, I now volunteer for DUK, to give something back and help others - This has been great for my mental health as it is so rewarding
To lighten the mood: What song is in your head right now?
I'm a bit of an old school raver at heart and this one is one of my faves: