How cutting out Artificial Sweeteners from my diet affected my blood sugars & weight!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been a Type 2 diabetic for 17 years: diagnosed at 29 & I’m now 46. I was on tablets for 11 years & have been on insulin the last 6 years. At first, when diagnosed, I researched as much as possible & made a lot of changes very quickly. I halved my long term sugar readings at my first diabetic clinic at the hospital 6 months after diagnosis. In hindsight, that was bit of a panicked reaction & I couldn’t sustain those changes. Over the years my blood sugar readings, eating habits etc. have all slipped along with my health: more medications for high blood pressure & cholesterol. I’m a new Diabetes UK member introducing myself before getting onto the subject of my post. So, my apologies for taking so long to get to the point.

I, like a lot of you I’m sure, switched sugar for Artificial Sweeteners: Canderal then Splenda. My use of these & sugar free food & drinks steadily increased over the years. So, too did my weight as I ate bigger meals & more food during the day. I was 8.5 stone in weight at diagnosis after losing half a stone in 6 months when I kept getting a cold every few weeks. I regained that half stone & was my then normal weight of 9 stone again within the first few weeks after diagnosis. But, the weight gain didn’t stop there & I’ve battled with it over the years: fluctuating & 13.5 stone at my worst; after switching to insulin. The switch to insulin made that battle worse as my weight went up so much: from 12.5 stone to 13.5 stone. It took me a while to stabilise my weight at 11.75 stone Sept. 2015 to May 2017.

My health took a sudden downturn when I was hospitalised for asthma: had it as a child, grew out of it & it returned. Although my asthma was quite quickly managed by taking an inhaler every day, the effect on my diabetes was a slower & longer recovery: still monitoring & checking in by phone every 6 weeks. My insulin, Levemir & Novorapid, doses had to be increased a few times as my blood sugars were so high. My weight went from 11.75 stone to 12.5 stone & stayed that way.

About Sept. 2017 the doctors at my health centre posted a news item on their facebook page about Artificial Sweeteners. They confuse the brain as it expects a certain amount of calories, because of the sweetness, & when it doesn’t get it; it tells you to eat more to make up the deficit. The more you have; the greater the deficit & the more you need to eat. I read that & a metaphorical lightbulb went off in my head; ah ha!

I immediately dumped all of my Splenda & anything with Artificial Sweeteners in it, sugar free drinks etc. I changed to full sugar drinks & using natural honey, the kind that sets over time: processed does not, instead of Splenda.

The effects of having the extra sugar were not apparent at first as my blood sugars were high anyway & I was still eating the same amount of food. But, I did slowly start to eat less over time: so slowly that I didn’t notice. My blood sugars evened out at around 9 across the day, no matter when I took the readings around Nov. 2017 when my insulin doses had reached its peak (Levemir 33 units Novorapid 8, 13 & 7 units with meals) & started to fall steadily after Xmas 2017.

Then, around the end of Jan. 2018 I had a hypo, my blood sugars had been high for so long I’d forgotten what that was like. I had another one a few days later. After my 3rd. one in a week I checked in by phone with my diabetic nurse. I lowered my Levemir to 31 units & my breakfast dose of Novorapid to 7 units. It was Monday & the start of a trying week when I had a hypo everyday &, after checking with the nurse, lowering doses of Novorapid. My blood sugars were swinging wildly too as a hyper inevitably follows a hypo.

That fortnight, last week of Jan. & 1st. of Feb. 2018, I had 8 hypos in 10 days. I was trying to figure out why. I remembered my GP’s facebook post & actually thought about how much I was eating now & how much I used to eat. I was eating roughly half of what I used to & not just that. I was eating a lot less carbohydrates. I stopped having hypos & I almost halved the amount of Novorapid I was taking. My insulin is now Levemir 31 units, Novorapid 7, 5 & 4 units. My blood sugars were swinging a little bit but, that’s evening out too, now. I have also started to lose weight this week. I was still 12.5 stone on Mon. 05/03/18 but, I am now 12.25 stone Sat. 10/03/18.

I kept track of meals the last few days & the calories using an app on iPhone Glucose Buddy (tracks everything to do with diabetes from blood sugars, diet, meds & exercise). Compared to what I typically used to eat over the day, I’m now eating a lot less calories.

Meals 1400/day average 1300-1500 cal.

14:40 Dinner
1 serving rice vermicelli mama
95g prawns tesco
2tbsp concentrated curry paste
150ml shloer rose

11:30 Lunch
3 beef sandwiches
1 cup tea twinings breakfast (1 teabag of each in teapot)
1 cup tea twinings soothing honey camomile
50ml semi skimmed milk asda
15g honey rowse (2tsp)

06:30 Breakfast.
1 serving My veg soup
2 slices toast
150ml shleor rose

Recipe for My veg soup (3 servings)
128g carrots
128g leeks
32g celery
32g parsley
65g unsmoked pancetta tesco
128g potatoes
2 oxo cubes vegetable
1200ml water
10 grinds of black pepper

17:00 Dinner
2 ham sandwiches
1 cup tea twinings breakfast (1 teabag of each in teapot)
1 cup tea twinings soothing honey camomile
50ml semi skimmed milk asda
15g honey rowse (2tsp)

13:30 Snack? 2nd. Lunch?
1.72 servings My veg soup
75g smokey bacon crisps

10:45 early Lunch (eating out)
Irish stew asda
1 cup mint tea

07:00 Breakfast
1 cup tea twinings breakfast (1 teabag of each in teapot)
1 cup tea twinings soothing honey camomile
50ml semi skimmed milk asda
15g honey rowse (2tsp)
4 slices toast

20:30 Snack After dinner
50g crisps smokey bacon

17:30 Dinner
1 serving rice vermicelli mama
95g of prawns tesco
2tbsp concentrated curry paste
7.05g pear apple grape juice blend

12:30 Lunch
0.8 serving vegetable broth asda
1 ham sandwich
2 slices toast
150ml shloer rose

06:00 Breakfast
4 slices toast
2 cups tea twinings breakfast
50ml semi skimmed milk tesco
15g honey rowse

22:00 Snack Before bed
25g tayto crisps smokey bacon

18:30 Dinner
1 serving rice vermicelli mama
95g prawns tesco
2tbsp concentrated curry paste
150ml shloer rose

14:30 Lunch
1.6 serving chicken vegetable broth asda
2 slices of toast
1 ham sandwich
150ml shloer rose

5:30 Breakfast
2 ham sandwiches
1 cup tea twinings breakfast (1 teabag of each in teapot)
1 cup tea twinings soothing honey camomile
50ml semi skimmed milk tesco
15g honey rowse (2tsp)

Typical meals before cutting out artificial sugars
2800-3800 cal/day

3 cups tea twinings breakfast
75ml semi skimmed milk
3tsp Splenda
3 sandwiches (ham, beef or mix)

2 baked potatoes
2 pots of prawn cocktail asda or tesco
500ml coke zero

1 bag of golden veg. rice birds eye (2 in pack)
300g sauté potatoes asda or tesco
4tbsp concentrated curry paste
500ml coke zero

Plus Various Snacks/day
500ml coke zero (can’t remember how much I drank/day)
200g tayto smokey bacon crisps (4x25g multipack bags at once)
4 shortbread biscuits (at once)
1x20g bag (3 servings) of microwave popcorn (at once)

I think that word has now gotten out there about Artificial Sweeteners as I’m now seeing a preponderance of products with so called natural Sweeteners that have calories but, a lot less than sugar. I’m considering trying them as I would like to lower my sugar intake a bit. But, would the lesser calories make me eat more again? Just when I’m finally starting to lose weight & my insulin is less: less sugar versus more calories?
Hi, interesting. I have heard of this theory about artificial sweeteners but have never found it to be the case for me, however as I have type 1 perhaps that accounts for the difference.
Can I ask whether you are carb counting and matching your Novorapid doses to the carbs you eat?
No. Never heard of it before & discovering it on this forum. Was always told from the start to base my diet on starchy carbs. Did try a few times over the years when my weight was going up to cut down on carbs. But, found my blood glucose going up as I ate more generally & was hungry a lot more often. So, went back to starchy carbs. I wasn’t deliberately trying to cut down on carbs; it just happened slowly over time without the Sweeteners. When I read that GP post; it just resinated with me & how I was using more & more Sweeteners & eating more more. My next diabetic clinic at the hospital is on 22/03/18 & I have a LOT questions for the diabetic team.
Hi Lanny

Thinking of the age at which you were diagnosed I'm just wondering whether what you actually have is LADA rather than straightforward Type 2 ? Google it of course to get the 'proper' ins and outs of it - but basically it's a type of diabetes that starts off being exactly the same as T2 and responds to T2 medications very nicely. However then your own, naturally produced insulin tails off in fits and bursts, eventually tails off completely or almost completely, at which stage the only thing that can work in injected insulin. (may or may not still need Mettformin thereafter)

After this point has been reached - to all intents and purposes you may as well be T1 officially - because you will respond in exactly the same way as as T1 does to food, insulin and exercise.

Have a read up about it and if you think I'm barking up the right tree - then discuss it properly with your hospital clinic and agree on a plan going forward to suit YOU !
Thanks! Never heard of that. Will look it up. Health guidelines have changed over the years, as I noticed when I was referred back to the hospital team after so long. What are considered Hypo, Hyper & normal blood sugar readings have changed, which took me a while to get my head around as I'm so used to the old guidelines I was taught 17 years ago!
OMG!!! Sounds very scary. Own body destroying own beta cells: sounds like cancer! I lost my mum to pancreatic cancer 2 years ago. She too had Type 2 diabetes for 10+ years when her health took a sudden downturn & was just switched to insulin shortly before the cancer diagnosis. She passed away 6 weeks after diagnosis. I can't stop crying!
Ok. Calmed down a bit & read on. Didn't know that Type 1 has been reclassified as autoimmune as well, something else that has changed: 17 years ago Type 1 & 2 were described to me as the more severe diabetes & the less severe diabetes. So, thinking about it, is asthma is autoimmune too. I haven't gotten around to filling out my personal info yet. I had asthma as a child, grew out of it & it's returned needing the use of an inhaler every day.

The test for this LADA seems quite simple enough & straight forward. I will ask the hospital team about it. If I do turn out to have it & don't need insulin resistance meds any more, that'll be good. Since my stay in hospital for asthma last May, I've been having Glucophage SR side effects with my stomach & digestion, in general, when I was taken off them temporarily. Then, put back on them slowly. The discomfort has eased a bit but, not completely. I used to love eating baked beans, beans being a super food with a low GI, but, haven't had them in ages as the passing wind effect just added to the discomfort. I remember I had similar side effects 17 years ago when I was first put on them, along with Novonorm, & after changing to the slow release SR ones, they settled down.

The sudden shock & speed at mum's passing hit me hard & I thought I was getting over that but, it's still affects me.
T1 & T2 are quite different. T1 your pancreas does not work. T2 it could work in varying degrees. The more weight you carry affects the fat that surrounds the pancreas. The older you get normally the less efficient it works. Good luck & welcome 🙂
Hi Lanny
I'm very sorry to hear about your mother passing so quickly. It obviously came as a great shock to you and you are still in the process of grieving for someone so close to you. Never easy, but you seem to be coping admirably. Good luck with your weight loss target, Regards Dave
Thanks Dave.

Just weighed myself before lunch & still 12 stone. Haven't gained any, though so, happyish.
Thanks Dave.

Just weighed myself before lunch & still 12 stone. Haven't gained any, though so, happyish.
Any weight lost or gained in one day wouldn’t be fat anyway!
I just weighed myself before dinner tonight & I've lost another 0.25 stone. I'm now 11.75 stone again. I'm eating even less calories & carbs, around 1200 cals/day. I'm not snacking anymore, not the crisps anyway. But, I am having a little chocolate after dinner. I've kept a food diary with all the cals & carbs counted for my hospital team to look at when I see them on Thursday 22/03/18. Just spent a long time after dinner looking up & working them all out. If I can keep this slow weight loss, 0.25 stone/week, up I hope to reach my pre diabetic weight of 9 stone again at some time in the future.

Will also ask to go on a DESMOND course to learn about carb counting as they are available in my area.
Oh, I’ll ask anyway. I have the evidence to show them. It was sobering to see that I used to eat 1040 - 1100cals just for Lunch: no wonder I needed 13 units of novorapid then. I went through 8 bottles of 2 litre coke zero a week: 4-5 glasses a day: 500ml approx. in a pint glass with some ice cubes. I drink cranberry juice full sugar now, instead of shloer, & only 2 times a day, 150ml each time, & I’m not left hungry on the 1200cals/day I eat now.
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