How can I lower my Blood Sugar ?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am Type 2 and taking Metforman. But for the last 2 weeks my B.S. is out of control. It started of at 11.5 this morning. I had Weetabix and milk and a glass of water, checked again later and it was 15.5. I went for a walk and drank more water, checked again and it is now 28. I have seen my Dr and after lots of blood tests he doesn't know anything. Any suggestions on how I can lower it please.
maybe call 111 and see if you can get help elsewhere - even after eating a high carb meal, you should not be seeing numbers like that and you could be misdiagnosed.
Hi Kess also weetabix is very carby about 68g per 100g, if you have 2 with skimmed milk you are probably looking at 32g of Carbs. no way I could eat that many carbs in the morning, you could try low carb options like an omelette, Kippers (yuck) or I often have 0% Greek yogurt with a few blueberries or blackberries.
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am Type 2 and taking Metforman. But for the last 2 weeks my B.S. is out of control. It started of at 11.5 this morning. I had Weetabix and milk and a glass of water, checked again later and it was 15.5. I went for a walk and drank more water, checked again and it is now 28. I have seen my Dr and after lots of blood tests he doesn't know anything. Any suggestions on how I can lower it please.
If you are seeing such big increase, I would wash and rinse your hands well and retest just to check you did not have something on your finger.
Do call 111 for advice .
You say your glucose level has been high out of control for 2 weeks so what sort of meals are you having as you may be eating more carbs than you think and your body cannot tolerate that much.
What was your HbA1C when diagnosed.
As mentioned you may be misdiagnosed so would need to speak to your GP for the additional test to exclude Type 1
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am Type 2 and taking Metforman. But for the last 2 weeks my B.S. is out of control. It started of at 11.5 this morning. I had Weetabix and milk and a glass of water, checked again later and it was 15.5. I went for a walk and drank more water, checked again and it is now 28. I have seen my Dr and after lots of blood tests he doesn't know anything. Any suggestions on how I can lower it please.

If this has just started the last two weeks, could you be ill? Illness can put blood sugar up. Have you changed anything eg your daily routine, your meds? Are you under stress? Have you checked your meter is accurate?

How long have you been diagnosed?
Hi. Yes keep the carbs down. Are you slim or a bit overweight? It's possible you are mis-diagnosed LADA so do ask for the two tests. If you suspect your GP doesn't know much about diabetes then ask for referral to the diabetes clinic for the T1 tests
Try using a phone app like Myfitnesspal and keep the carbs below 100g a day = it will help. I agree with others to call 111 for advice or go back to your GP. You might even want to get referred to a diabetes specialst. Did your doctor give you a diet list of things to eat and not eat? a diabetes nurse might also be able to help.

I keep carbs below 50g a day myself but I did it quite gradually.
I'd avoid weetabix and eat greek yogurt or eggs/bacon for breakfast?

Good luck.
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