How can i keep up the motivation going?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Although i have lost 2 stones since diagnosis last October, i can't seem to get motivated to carry on knowing that i still have lots more weight to lose :-( i seem to be slipping back to my 'old habits' i don't think i am eating as healthy as i was and seem to be 'attracted' to the 'bad foods' again - take today for example, i took my grandson to mcD and ended up having a large burger meal and surprisingly when i tested 2 hrs later i really expected my BS to be in double figures but it was 7.9, haven't got a clue where that came from! anyway i need that kick up the backside to steer me back onto the right path - i was doing so well and can't believe i am slipping back into my old ways - please help! :-(
hi carina dont worry hun its only a blip'll pick yourself up and carry on as i bet if you think back to time before the 2 stone you lost you can still remember how difficult it was ...2stone is half a sack of potatoes or 28 lbs bags of sugar xx
Hi Carina,

Like you as was diagnosed in October, 2009.

Like you, I have also lost around 2 stones since then. 🙂

Like you, I have also had the odd blip. :(

However, I have set myself a target weight and am recording my progress towards it. I have also set a date by which I will reach that target (based on losing 1lb/wk). At the moment I am still one week ahead of schedule. I have a dedicated Excel spreadsheet to help me keep on top of my progress. 🙄

Anyway, I won't reach my target until some time in October, 2010. There are two things keeping me focussed on reaching my target:-

1) I can't bear the thought of gaining weight again because it'll be that much harder to re-lose it.
2) I feel soooooo much better and really don't want to go back to how I was.
3) No! Three things. I am really interested to see what a thin Andy looks like!

Chin up! Get to it!! 🙂

Hi Carina, I know you want to loose the weight and having tried diets off and on for the last 20 years, I know it is hard work too.

Don't beat yourself up about having treats. The more you stop yourself having them the more you will want them. As part of a balanced diet it is OK to have the odd bar of chocolate or the odd slice of cake. One friend has a treat day where she can eat what she likes. She surprised herself by just how good she was. Because she didn't feel deprived she was able to enjoy her sensible foods and her treats and lost wieght too.
thanks for your replies. Andy HB: i agree with you i certainly don't want to go back to putting on 2 stones back on, it does make you realise how bad that must be for your health but i still have about another 3 - 4 stones to lose before i get to goal but like you say it is best to set realistic goals so i will try as from today to 'get back on track' and start counting calories again and going back to my walking every day. Caroline: a treat day is a very good idea, i actually go out for a meal a couple of times a month so i will have my meal out as my treat time and that is where i'll probably choose something on the menu that i fancy along with maybe a dessert, that way it will keep me from feeling deprived 🙂
Hi Carina,

My motivation in keeping myself on track with controlling my blood glucose levels is quite simply that I want to keep off having to resort to injecting insulin but also - and even more importantly - to avoid the very nasty complications that can come the way of people with diabetes - i.e. amputations, blindness, kidney failure and heart disease to name but a few of the most serious complications.

I find that thinking about those things gives me all the motivation that I need.

Best wishes as always - John
Wallycorker: i fully agree with you but i don't know what's happened :-( when i was first diagnosed i felt 100% dedicated and kept thinking about diabetes and all the nasty complications it can bring but just recently my mind is not as focused as it was, maybe cos i have lots of other things to think about in my like my job etc and i just feel that i've 'slipped' back into my old habits - i now know the meaning of old habits die hard but i just want to push myself back onto the right road again - i will make today the start of my new day back onto the right track 🙂
Hi again Carina,

If you have difficulty getting motivation from trying to keep clear of the nasty complications that can come our way, then what about wanting to stick around to see your grandchildren grow up?

That particular aspect was a great motivating factor for me when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer nine years ago. In fact it still is!

Moreover, these days, I'm hoping to be around to meet my great grandchildren. That might be a little bit optimistic seeing as my grandchildren are only 11 and 14 years-old. However, I'm quite keen to be around when they do have kids and I'll be doing whatever is in my power to try to be there.

Best wishes - John
Wallycorker, you're absolutely right, i have a gorgeous 4 year old grandson whom i adore and the thought of seeing him grow up is a great motivator. i'm due for my 2nd diabetic review in june and i'm going to make sure that i've lost more weight since i last went 6 months ago, that will spur me on. I'll let you all know how i get on 🙂
No partner, no kids and no grand kids .....

"I'm DOOMED, I tell ye, DOOMED!!" 😱

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