How busy is this forum?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning everyone,

I was wondering if any of you have been thinking that this place has been quieter over the last few months, well compared to maybe a year or so ago?

Don't get me wrong it is still a lifeline to many if not all of us and I'm not knocking it one bit!

Is this a sign that people are getting busier, maybe we can measure the recession recover with online activities!! I for one when I found this place didn't have much work on and only recently has it seriously picked up which is great but I'm just not on here so much (maybe not so bad for you lot!)

Just wondered if anyone else has thought the same?

Maybe Stato aka Northe' could give us some traffic figures....

Thats all, take care😉

Rossi 🙂
I have noticed thee are several once regulars that are not so regular or not here at all. I hope it is because they are all doing good things or their lives have moved to a point where they no longer need so much support from us.
Is it because of the time of year? Light evenings etc much better to be out doing something rather than sitting in front of a pc 🙂
Holiday season, school holidays - people doing different things. See what happens from September?
I think its the time of the year for example the parents wont be around as much as there kids are off school and they wont have as much time, others will be on there holidays and some may be having a bad time with the D at the minute and dont want to come online.
I personally think its reasonably active right now, I cant imagin how busy it must of been...(only joined last month)

I will try and get on here every day, the diversity of situations and stories you hear are invaluable, and its good to try and help folk out......
Just back from my first break and if staff eateries are anything to go by, it must be the time of year. Even the office at 10am is very quiet because people are away.
I know my access habits have changed since I started work, I'm much more active now and don't have as much time to spend online as I used to. I tend to log in when I'm in the office and if I can, for a while later in the day. And as has been said, it's school holiday season, I'm sure that makes a big difference.
yeah i have been away for a few months, keep popping my head in every now and then to see whats going on!!!

whenever i feel down i come on here to see if anyone else has problems with their diabetes but you guys all seem pretty well controlled, and i still cant/wont get my head around it all!!!

hopefully itll pick up soon though

I dont think its as busy as it was, but we evolved quite a bit...I was thinking ofthe pub? That encourages us to say hi and write a few things easily about whats what in life, without thread starting. We also seem to be a big bunch of facebookers, certainly I have gained about 30ish online friends fromt his place and thats another spot we might discuss diabetes related things...

Just a thought...

I like that the overall look of the place hasnt really changed, just a few fixtures and fittings!

I agree though, traffic seems to be slower......?

I'm not sure what it was like before as only been a member for a few months or so...but i think its reasonably active 🙂

I try to log on every day, sometimes i am out of the flat all day and weekends im less active coz im either sleeping or out lol but i do my best!

Im just glad i found this place...:D

EDIT: actualy looking at dates iv been a member nearly 6 months! wow time flies
well with me its cause i have moved house and at the moment using a doggle for the net and the siginal not so great i am on my sisters pc at the moment i am suppose to be babysitting lol {get my sky back on the 18th }
I am not so active at the moment, as I am no longer at work so not sat a computer all day. I am reading lots, but replying on my phone does not always work.
Now that I can finally focus again (had my retinopathy scan this morning!), here are some stats:

We get around 8,000-10,000 posts a month, with daily posting varying between 200-400 posts. This hasn't changed much over the past year - in July last year we had 7831 posts and in July this year we had 7999 posts! Our busiest month was March 2010 with 12362 posts, followed by three months with well in excess of 10,000 posts.

In terms of new members, we get a lot more joining now than we used to: 90 people joined in July last year and 167 in July this year. Usually these days it's about 120 new members a month.

I was thinking that it was a bit quieter, but from the stats doesn't appear so. I haven't been online for a couple of days and I would have expected more unread threads.
The other thought is that as I am no longer a mod, I don't read every post so whilst the volume of posts is around the same I'm readings alot less.

I suspect i am posting less because with my new job i am online less than before.
since i moved house last month i dont have internet so i can only get on when i go to my daughters house, ive been realy missing it here but hopefully soon i will get my internet on. hope everyone is keeping well xxx
Just had another quick look and I see that we had 393 posts yesterday - the busiest day for over a month! 🙂
This is going to sound really bad (to my head teacher), but during term time I usually manage to get on at lunchtime nearly every day, whereas during the holidays, I have to wait till after 7pm and sometimes, if I just sit down after tea, I just never quite get round to putting the computer on in the first place. 😱

Unfortunately (for me in some ways 😱) our term starts the week after next so I shall try to get on more regularly then - it's an ill wind ..... 😉

Seriously, though I think it is a combination of the holiday season, and as someone said the pub.
its the same every place you log in at this time of year, summer holidays people are out and about ,
Interesting thoughts people.

Again I will say I'm not knocking this place one bit.

So the stats say it's just as busy if not more so! Yet with more people maybe there is less intense posting going on??

I didn't consider it to be seasonal as I've thought it for some while now!

Thinking a wee bittie more, maybe it's more me and the separate boards, for example I rarely go into the pumping parents preg or food one!

I think it's probably more me just not being on so much as I first explained.

Anyhows, great that we are all still here, and helping each other!

Long may it continue! :D

Happy dayz

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