how 2 stop the bounce?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
do any of you have any idea how to stop bouncing blood sugar?
i wasnt feeling well thismorning and have had funny guts(TMI) and my b.s was 19!!! any way i corrected and assumed a tummy bug so increased my basal a lil bit , i have programed a 'ill' setting on the pump(very usefull) any way i got to mid afternoon and went hypo 2.9 and had some lucosade and a biccy i ate the ammount of carbs ish it tell u to on the pump meter , now im 16!!! any idea how to stop the bouncing its the first time ive had any rebound episodes on the pump???
From what you have said I think you just have gone a bit overkill.🙂

The rule we have is that if there is an unusual high - correct via pump - but no temp basal. Then 1 hour later - if still not responding to correction - that's when you set a temp basal and also correct - but be cautious with your correction the second time round as insulin can stack and suddenly send levels plummeting.😱

Its a good idea to have an 'ill' temp basal - but the difficulty is that you will probably need different amounts each time. We use the 'standard' basals and just increase as necessary and then if we reach 200% - we change over to 'pattern A' which has a starting point of 200% and then we add onto that as required.🙂Bev
hiya , yeah mabey i was a bit hasty with the basal change , i suppose i went into a bit of a panic since being on the pump levels hve been amazing and that was the highest its been in a long time , i put it back down to normal yesterday but im still in a bounce was 18 beore lunch and just had a 3.8 i dont know where im going wrong :/ any advice/ideas would be gratefully recived:confused:🙂
Hi Bex,

I've been having similar problems lately with yo-yoing BG. I must say my issues are as a result of trying to do too much too soon with my basals 😱

I find if I change my basals I need to give it at least 3 days for my BG to develop a pattern before I change it again. I went through a period there of changing at least one basal every day and everything just went horribly wrong. So, although it is frustrating, I guess patience is key. We're not going to get it perfect overnight!

The best advice I ever got regarding yo-yoing BG is: avoid highs by stopping hypos. Deal with the hypos first, as these drain your body of energy over time if you have too many. It may be that your liver is releasing glucose when you're having bad hypos and this is causing a rebound a while later. If you're hypoing at a particular time of the day, reduce your basal for that time and try to resist the temptation to up your basals when you're having highs (because these may be liver-related rebounds). Also, be careful when correcting - I find when I'm having regular hypos I'm less resistant to insulin so need smaller corrections. Maybe start off with half the correction the pump is suggesting and check again in an hour.

I hope this makes some sense. Bottom line - deal with the hypos first. Once you stop having these, then you can adjust basals to reduce the highs. If I've confused you, please let me know - I'm having a long, tiring week so may be rambling too much!

Good luck!
hiya , yeah mabey i was a bit hasty with the basal change , i suppose i went into a bit of a panic since being on the pump levels hve been amazing and that was the highest its been in a long time , i put it back down to normal yesterday but im still in a bounce was 18 beore lunch and just had a 3.8 i dont know where im going wrong :/ any advice/ideas would be gratefully recived:confused:🙂

Just wondering whether you have been tested for coeliac?🙂Bev
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