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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all
Not sure if anyone has faced this problem, but I have in the past always enjoyed a nice tidy house, but since being diagnosed I just don't seem to have the energy. Last week I went to sort out some washing and just looked at it and wanted to cry - so I left it. Ten minutes later I hypo'd and smashed a glass in doing so.
I have tried a lucozade beforehand but didn't seem to do anything.

I now have 3 days off work and want to get the house sorted, but don't want to run out of energy!

Any ideas??
What i'd do is plan a little at a time for what goals i'm wanting to achieve ... then a reward for what i've done ... wether it be time online or to sit down with a book or magazine or what ever your perk of the day maybe!!

This way if you've a written plan you know to try another combination next time of the tasks you have to do and can rate them on how tired they make you feel!!
Hi Lucy i never used to be good at housework before diagnosis never mind after lol...When you do it do you usually tackle the whole house at once? i find that if i do a room every day i get there in the end and without killing myself doing it, living with 2 males can be a nightmare sometimes as there brains seemed to be wired diffirently, drop something on the floor dont pick it up,leave things lying all over the place dont put them back just 2 examples of things i find myself doing on a daily basis, another thing is do the housework listening to music and get into it that really motivates me..ive often been seen dancing with the hoover to wham lol x
Hi Yep a little at a time with reward sounds good and will be able to work out what is causing the loss of energy - maybe test whilst I do it too.

Steffie - I know what you mean - I live with one 22 year old called 'drop it and hop it'. Hubby is good around the house though!
Lucy, don't stess over it!! its only housewrk and its not goin anywhere!

I approach my days by setting myself a small task, say tidying the airing cupboard, once I've done that I rest and have a cuppa 🙂 the main thing is I try not to beat myself up if I don't manage to do the whole task! There's always tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that . . . . .

Good luck,

take care,
Shirl x
I know Shirl but I have had months of do it tomorrow and really need to get sorted. I desperately need to sort my clothes as none in my wardrobe fit anymore and need to see what i have that does fit before I go shopping. I actually do enjoy housework and have always loved doing it - I just miss not having the energy at the moment. Strange thought that I can do all my exercise!
I know Shirl but I have had months of do it tomorrow and really need to get sorted. I desperately need to sort my clothes as none in my wardrobe fit anymore and need to see what i have that does fit before I go shopping. I actually do enjoy housework and have always loved doing it - I just miss not having the energy at the moment. Strange thought that I can do all my exercise!

problem with housework is it is never ending, it gets so minoutumis(sp?) one bit of it is done then when you turn around more is created, if only we all had the luxury of a genuinely if you dont already listen to your fave music it really does help x
eeeerm....I have to admit I do have cleaners but sadly only once a week and they don't sort my washing and all the little odd jobs i want to get done!
Oh Lucy, try to take each day as it comes you are only human and if you haven't got the energy one day then just do small things so that at least you get some sense of achievement, 🙂

take care hun, lv Shirl x
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