Hourly basal changes?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all...

Just wondering, have had poppy nearly 5 months, and I got my initial hourly basals spot on, and I reckon they lasted about 3 months before needing changing, and are now in need again...

I know everyones diff but pump wise is it normal to have to keep re-doing the whole thing? Just wondered what other ppls experiences are??


Hi Shel,

I'm no expert having only been on my pump for eight weeks but I guess there are a couple of things that may mean that your basal rates need changing:

1. Your insulin sensitivity will probably have improved as your control has got better.

2. Your first five months have been through the cold winter that we have just had and your basal rates my need adjusting due to the warmer weather that we have started to get.

Ugh, I'm part way through redoing all of mine, post-pregnancy. It's such a nightmare, especially as I'm breastfeeding (which affects sugar levels). Mind you, at least I'm up half the night to do tests :D

When not PG or BFing then I run 2 basal sets through the month, one from day 1 of my period, the other from around ovulation time - for me, it makes a real difference in control. I didn't realise till the other week that my pump can actually store 2 basals, I was changing it manually 😱

Are you just tweaking the basal that's already set, or are you starting completely from scratch? Tweaking is I think pretty common (at least, I do it all the time :D🙄)
thanks guys...

I dont know how to set 2 diff basals altho 'that time' affects my bloods 2..so annoying being female 🙄 hehe

Thanks red pumper, I was wondering if climate might make it diff...

am sort of getting there, just soooo much hard work isnt it!?!!? x
Hi Shel,

are you on the Accu-Check combo? If so then I think it is a very similar pump to my Accu-Chek Spirit.

If they are the same, then you can progam up to five different basal rate profiles. You just scroll through the menu until you get to 'Program Basal Rate Profile 1'. the next menu option is 'Program Basal Rate Profile 2' etc.

Once you've set up the different Basal Rate Profiles, to change between them, you scroll through the menu to 'Change Basal Rate Profile' and then you can select the profile that you want.

Your pump may work slightly differently but I'm sure it will be along similar lines to mine.

It's a useful feature if weekends are different from weekdays. I have a mainly desk bound job but my weekends tend to be quite active so (once I've got on top of my basal rates) I'll be setting up a different profile for weekends so that I can just swap between the two.
Yup Poppy is an accu chek combo, thanks just had a look through and have figured out how to do it....thanks for the heads up 🙂

just lots and lots of testing to figure out my other profiles I think...my weekends are more active too so might have a profile for this too...just hard that you have to programme a whole 24hrs again for another profile....arrrggghhh!!

Worth it tho 🙂 x
p.s cate I'm a tweak a holic atm hahah!!!
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