Hot Weather

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I wonder if anyone can help and if it's reasonable request.

I am type 1 diabetic, diagnosed 4 years ago and I am really suffering with this heat.

Although I am on new faster insulin, my blood sugars are not budging, plus the fact I have a kidney infection and have had heat exhaustion.

I was wondering if I could work from just on the hot days this week. I understand that my office has air condition but as I don't drive I have to walk and take the bus.

I have come home today and I just feel like I am walking through treacle plus feel sick.

Am I being a wimp or unreasonable to ask this?

Thank you

The kidney infection could be causing the high sugars @Emma17 Are you on antibiotics? They can cause high sugars too. What insulins do you take? If it’s Fiasp, many people find that poor at dealing with high sugars.
Sorry to hear about the kidney infection @Emma17

As @Inka says, infection, illness and injury can all push BGs up in a big way, so that really won’t be helping. :(

Does your work have an HR department? Or could you speak to your line manager?

Have you been checking for ketones?

Do keep yourself hydrated too.

Hope you get a supportive and positive reaction from your employer, and they are able to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to help you.

There are some useful pointers about your rights and responsibilities at work here:

Yes you can request a reasonable adjust due to your diabetes. I would check your HR policies with this as it depends on their internal requirements. But legally you can request this. If you are able to work from home, this depends on the job, and what equipment you need then they shouldn't have a reason to refuse.

You are not being a wimp at all, if you don't feel well only you know what will help. I cannot think in a straight line when my levels are high, because I am able to work flexibly I am not struggling to work when I am not at my best, which gives me time to treat it. My employer is flexible as long as the work gets done and there is no fall out because of it.

I actually once had to raise an issue with my employer about time I'd had off and their absence policy, ACAS and also good sources if they start being funny, but normally the Diabetes UK advice should be enough.

Hope you feel better.

Hydration is so important to both your issues, make sure you are drinking as much as possible.


I wonder if anyone can help and if it's reasonable request.

I am type 1 diabetic, diagnosed 4 years ago and I am really suffering with this heat.

Although I am on new faster insulin, my blood sugars are not budging, plus the fact I have a kidney infection and have had heat exhaustion.

I was wondering if I could work from just on the hot days this week. I understand that my office has air condition but as I don't drive I have to walk and take the bus.

I have come home today and I just feel like I am walking through treacle plus feel sick.

Am I being a wimp or unreasonable to ask this?

Thank you

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