Hot weather

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I’m on holiday in very hot weather. By levels keep plummeting. If I don’t take enough insulin my levels shoot up but when I take my usual dose I’m down in the hypo levels.

Anyone got any advice?
Hi @Inka,

I’m on Novorapid and Lantus. First time in severely hot weather with Novorapid.
@NeilC Ok, well the simple answer to your question is that you probably need to reduce your insulin doses. When (what times of day) are you going hypo?

So far during the afternoon and over night.

I think you are right. I think that probably for the time I’m here I need to up my carbs, reduce my insulin and be prepared to run a little higher than usual.

It’s been a real challenge, especially overnight. I’ve been chugging glucose tablets like no tomorrow with very little effect overnight. It is bizarre, never known it to be like this.

So less insulin and more starch.
@NeilC If you’re going low overnight, that’s your priority to sort. You probably need to reduce your Lantus. That should help the overnight hypos. Also, make sure you’re not eating and injecting Novorapid too close to bedtime - ie don’t eat your evening meal too late.

For the Novorapid, if you’re going low in the afternoon, try reducing your lunchtime Novorapid. If you’re injecting it in your tummy, try your bum or thigh instead (that should slow down the absorption).
I see you’re Type 2. Are you counting your carbs for each meal and adjusting your Novorapid? That’s what’s known as carb-counting. If you are, you should know your meal time ratio (how many carbs 1 unit of Novorapid covers). Reduce your mealtime ratio so that you take less Novorapid. Eg if you normally take 1 unit to cover 10g of carbs, try 1 unit to cover 15g. That is, instead of taking 3 units to cover 30g carbs, take 2 units.
Hi @Inka,

That’s all really really helpful, thank you. So much more thought out than I had given consideration to.

I’ll give all of that a try and let you know how I get on.

Thank you again, you’re a star .
Are you using a sensor or finger pricks? If you’re even a little dehydrated sensors can show false lows so that may be something to check too if relevant.

I’m on holiday in very hot weather. By levels keep plummeting. If I don’t take enough insulin my levels shoot up but when I take my usual dose I’m down in the hypo levels.

Anyone got any advice?
Take somewhere between the two amounts? Clearly your usual dose is too much but whatever you’ve reduced it to isn’t enough, so try somewhere in between?
Are you using a sensor or finger pricks? If you’re even a little dehydrated sensors can show false lows so that may be something to check too if relevant.
Thank you. I’m using a Libre 2 but I imagine that can be the same. I’m trying to keep hydrated but sometimes better than other times.
Take somewhere between the two amounts? Clearly your usual dose is too much but whatever you’ve reduced it to isn’t enough, so try somewhere in between?
Thanks Lucy, it is definitely trial and error, as I’m sure you know.

This forum has been really helpful.
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