Hot weather

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
During this hot spell I am finding that I have to adapt my bolus timings, as the insulin seems to be kicking in quicker and I find myself going too low before the food kicks in .
During this hot spell I am finding that I have to adapt my bolus timings, as the insulin seems to be kicking in quicker and I find myself going too low before the food kicks in .
The hot weather definietly mucks things around, and it takes a bit of adjustment.
I have also had to reduce my pre-bolus timings and also reduced the bolus I need.
so looking forward to some cooler weather and rain!!!
The hot weather definietly mucks things around, and it takes a bit of adjustment.
I have also had to reduce my pre-bolus timings and also reduced the bolus I need.
so looking forward to some cooler weather and rain!!!
I am also reducing the bolus amount too
I am down 7 units of basal in the last 3 days and still had 4 hypos AGAIN today (3 hypos yesterday and 4 on Wednesday) and 1 unit of Fiasp brought me down from 9.7 to 4.0 this afternoon in an hour and 3/4s. Normally 2 would bring me down to about 5. I am using almost no bolus... probably about half my usual doses. Interestingly my overnight levels the last 2 nights have been good which suggests that it is the daytime heat, but today I stayed in the cool of the house most of the day and still hypoed with another 2 unit basal reduction this morning. Hopefully just another couple of days of it but at a show tomorrow with the horses so there will be no hiding in the house during the heat of the day. Will knock another 2 units of my basal in the morning and best take plenty of hypo treatments with me! Not looking forward to being out in that baking afternoon sun!
I have had reduce my basal alot 3 times this Week also my FSL 2 has been wildly up and down like a yo yo mostly at night and having to do finger stick check to get accurate readings.
During this hot spell I am finding that I have to adapt my bolus timings, as the insulin seems to be kicking in quicker and I find myself going too low before the food kicks in .

Me too. I’ve actually been bolusing just before eating for safety. I’ve also found my Correction Factor has changed drastically. 1 unit usually brings me down 4mmol during the day but now it’s bringing me down 8mmol! Exercise causes a sudden fierce drop too, even with reduced boluses.

Stay safe, everyone. Hope you’re ok today in the heat @rebrascora
So looking forward to the rain!!!

I hope you all have a safe day, and can head off those hypos @rebrascora
I too am finding all of the above.

The last two days I almost feel I could have done with out any bolus at all. I lowered my insulin for 30g breakfast (where a week or two ago I’d have spiked) within an hour bg was slowly heading down and I was going out (air conditioned car so not walking in heat) . I had a banana and small glass of juice, an hour later had a Finger of Fudge, 30 mins later some dried apricots…some raisins and I’ve got to lunch and I’m 7.2…would normally be way up in the teens for that. Also lowered basal to 5 in the morning and 4.5 at night. Similar day yesterday and before bed.

Like everyone else I can’t wait for some cooler weather …oh and rain! But then the reverse of this process will start…not looking forward to faffing around again…ah well.

Maybe I should make the most of today’s heat and pretend I’ve been cured :confused:🙂
I've not bothered lowering my basal as I'm on tresiba and it takes 3 days to make a change, just staving off any hypos by eating more snacks and bolusing just before I eat.
I am down 7 units of basal in the last 3 days and still had 4 hypos AGAIN today (3 hypos yesterday and 4 on Wednesday) and 1 unit of Fiasp brought me down from 9.7 to 4.0 this afternoon in an hour and 3/4s. Normally 2 would bring me down to about 5. I am using almost no bolus... probably about half my usual doses. Interestingly my overnight levels the last 2 nights have been good which suggests that it is the daytime heat, but today I stayed in the cool of the house most of the day and still hypoed with another 2 unit basal reduction this morning. Hopefully just another couple of days of it but at a show tomorrow with the horses so there will be no hiding in the house during the heat of the day. Will knock another 2 units of my basal in the morning and best take plenty of hypo treatments with me! Not looking forward to being out in that baking afternoon sun!
Enjoy your day, pop on a hat, plenty of sunscreen and lots of water x
Back safe and sound apart from a corking headache developing which is likely dehydration, so cool drinks and a couple of paracetamol gone down to sort it. Another 2 units off Levemir this morning ( so minus 9 units in 3.5 days but again overnight results good once I dealt with an evening rise and woke to a lovely 4.8. Needed a handful of jelly beans and 5 teaspoons of honey this morning to keep out of the red whilst eating my usual breakfast, after a dash up the hill to see to GGs and chucks, but I did bolus my usual amount as I have the previous 2 mornings and I didn't prebolus my Levemir by an hour as I usually do, so I expected FOTF to kick in. Had 2 JBs and a couple of bites of Ian's Magnum Ice cream and a couple of jelly beans tonight before dinner when I was 4.2 and I haven't bolused for my low carb meal which would normally take 2-3 units so we will see if I go high again tonight.

Came third at the show which was not bad and the right result as Arthur didn't go well but a long hot day in the baking sun! Chuffed that I haven't hypoed today yet 🙄 it was really close this morning and I couldn't believe how much honey I ate and felt sure levels would rocket in the car on the way there hit a high of 5.9 and leveled out. It has taken a lot of testing and consideration and self awareness to keep it right so quite proud that I did so whilst being so busy .... and hot🙄Actually it was much more of an achievement than our result in the ring, so happy with that. Off for a lie down in a cool dark room until I have to get up and do evening stables.
Sounds like you have been through it today @rebrascora hope your headache improves, normal paracetamol dont work with me I have to take soluable ones they get straight into my blood stream and kill the pain, the ones i used are Alka Seltzer. The heat is certainly causing a lot of discomfort isn't it, mind you it will soon be winter again 🙂 x
Pleased to report I have just woken up and feel so much better and really refreshed. Had a lovely deep restful sleep. Just having a coffee with cream before heading out to do evening stables and maybe continue on for a midnight walk. It is just a very pleasant evening out there now. Only down side is that levels have crept up to 10.0 since I ate (and whilst I slept), so hit it with some corrective Fiasp as I have had to do the last 2 nights before bed. Seems like my Levemir is releasing much faster earlier in the day due to the heat and then running out a bit in the evening. Will give my evening meal full bolus tomorrow and see how that works.
I having major problems with the hot weather getting heat exhaustion I had it last time we had 40c and drink plenty of wate.But by the time I wake up.I soak with sweat feel really ill and feel really dehydrated.Anyone else suffering like this.
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