Hot Foot

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Tara C

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've read that hot feet can be due to neuropathy but I had my feet checked a couple of weeks ago and the DN said I had good pules and responses in my feet. However, I keep getting a really hot sensation in the arch of my right foot. It's not there all the time, it comes lasts a few seconds but feels like someone has lit a fire under it, but then goes again. Should I be worried? Do I need to call the Dr? (recently diagnosed 6 weeks ago with first HBA1c of 102 and just taking 1000mg sr metformin a day for it, cut back hard on carbs, walking a mile a day and lost a stone so far)
My understanding is that nerve damage tends to happen simultaneously on both sides at the same time.

Though some people do get short-term nerve pain related to rapidly improving glucose levels (sometimes called ‘treatment induced neuropathy’).

Well done on the weight loss! Do you think you may have twinged something in your right foot with your increased walking? Are you wearing well-fitting and supportive shoes? Can you see the area to check for any damage or swelling?
My understanding is that nerve damage tends to happen simultaneously on both sides at the same time.

Though some people do get short-term nerve pain related to rapidly improving glucose levels (sometimes called ‘treatment induced neuropathy’).

Well done on the weight loss! Do you think you may have twinged something in your right foot with your increased walking? Are you wearing well-fitting and supportive shoes? Can you see the area to check for any damage or swelling?
Thanks, that's reassuring.

No pain or swelling in the foot - just the coming and going hot sensation. I am walking in good trainers, no pain in my feet when walking, just a little tightness in my calves sometimes on the last bit of the return walk.
I would ask your GP to refer you to your local Diabetic Footcare team. it could be the early signs of a bone infection. I have been through something similar and the earlier it is caught the better it is all round.

good luck
I've read that hot feet can be due to neuropathy but I had my feet checked a couple of weeks ago and the DN said I had good pules and responses in my feet. However, I keep getting a really hot sensation in the arch of my right foot. It's not there all the time, it comes lasts a few seconds but feels like someone has lit a fire under it, but then goes again. Should I be worried? Do I need to call the Dr?
See a podiatrist, not just a DN for problems in your feet.
(recently diagnosed 6 weeks ago with first HBA1c of 102 and just taking 1000mg sr metformin a day for it, cut back hard on carbs, walking a mile a day and lost a stone so far)
Congratulations on your improvement. In my lay opinion all newly diagnosed type 2s should see the following specialists within the first few months after diagnosis to see if there are any existing problems. Hopefully there are not but the consultation is still necessary to set baselines for future consultations. Your GP might add other specialists depending on your personal medical situation.
  • Cardiologist, including a stress test.
  • Ophthalmologist; note that is not the same as an optician or optometrist. An ophthalmologist is a medically qualified eye doctor.
  • Podiatrist, a foot specialist.
I've read that hot feet can be due to neuropathy but I had my feet checked a couple of weeks ago and the DN said I had good pules and responses in my feet. However, I keep getting a really hot sensation in the arch of my right foot. It's not there all the time, it comes lasts a few seconds but feels like someone has lit a fire under it, but then goes again. Should I be worried? Do I need to call the Dr? (recently diagnosed 6 weeks ago with first HBA1c of 102 and just taking 1000mg sr metformin a day for it, cut back hard on carbs, walking a mile a day and lost a stone so far)

Have you had any foot injuries?
I have intermittent weirdness in my left foot from an old injury, and driving a manual and using just my big toe on the clutch.
There are lots of things that aren't diabetes related.
(I also dive, I see a dive doctor who does a lot of prodding and poking, and an ultrasound and generally poking me about before she signs me off as healthy)
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@Alan S - these days you absolutely do NOT get referred to such folk unless you first present to your GP with some problem which they consider too difficult or 'suspect' for the GP to handle. (For the last 2 years it's been pretty challenging even contacting a GP here ......)
@Alan S - these days you absolutely do NOT get referred to such folk unless you first present to your GP with some problem which they consider too difficult or 'suspect' for the GP to handle. (For the last 2 years it's been pretty challenging even contacting a GP here ......)
I had a suspicion that was the case up there but I am still very sorry to see that. That does not change my recommendation although clearly it appears to be difficult to achieve..
Well - 'this lot' has most certainly and painfully highlighted the lack of money invested in the NHS in the past. Post Thatcher the Labour Gov had started soring it out and although not everything was welcomed with open arms - actually staff morale generally throughout was fantastic. Then we had an election and all the good was reversed instead of building on it and now, we're paying the price. The staff are still blooming fantastic, but ........ the cracks are more than visible, sadly.
Well - 'this lot' has most certainly and painfully highlighted the lack of money invested in the NHS in the past. Post Thatcher the Labour Gov had started soring it out and although not everything was welcomed with open arms - actually staff morale generally throughout was fantastic. Then we had an election and all the good was reversed instead of building on it and now, we're paying the price. The staff are still blooming fantastic, but ........ the cracks are more than visible, sadly.
I commiserate but I'll try to stay out of your politics. We have quite enough of those problems down here on both sides of the house.
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