Hot feet

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I wanted to know if anyone else has peripheral neuropathy due to type 2 diabetes, and do you get burning feet? If so, aside from sitting them in cold water, is there anything else that can be done, I’m waiting to see a podiatrist referred by my diabetes nurse
Hi and welcome.

I have heard that compression sock/stockings can help the issues with neuropathy but good management of your BG levels is key to reducing the risk of any further damage and perhaps enabling some recovery.

Would you like to tell us a bit about your diabetes. Things like :-

How long have you been diagnosed?
What if any medication(s) you take for it?
What your most recent HbA1c result was? This is the blood test used to diagnose and monitor your diabetes and will usually be a number in excess of 47 but can be into 3 figures if things are seriously amiss.
What if any dietary/lifestyle changes have you made to help manage your diabetes?

There are special medications used to manage neuropathy if the discomfort gets too much to cope with. Gabapentin is one of them.... but the other main one is escaping me at the moment.

Hopefully what you are experiencing is transient and will improve as your BG levels reduce and stabilize.
Welcome @Lubylou 🙂 Controlling your blood sugar will help. Also, there are some supplements that might help your nerve pain. However, please do check they’re compatible with any other meds you’re taking before trying them.

One is Alpha Lipoic Acid. You have to take a largish dose and it’s not cheap, but it’s actually prescribed for neuropathy (nerve pain) in Germany. Also, benfotiamine (a special form of vitamin B1) and other B vitamins can help. For the Alpha Lipoic Acid, it’s best to build it up slowly - ie one 200mg tablet a day for a week or so, then two tablets, then 3. You’ll see they’re expensive but they do help.
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