Hot feet at night?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone else get roastingly hot feet at night? I wake up and it feels like I could cook eggs on them, they're very warm. I get hot sweats sometimes, which I suspect is the menopause, so I'm not sure if it's a diabetes thing, a menopause thing, or just a thing!
Yes!!!! It’s literally like the second I get in bed my feet burn up. I too questioned my time of life (peri menopause perhaps) or maybe the diabetes however one of my daughters , my mum and one of my sisters also have the same non of which are diabetic or menopausal.
Phew! thanks for that EmmaL76.
Your welcome, if your feel are owt like mine they are cold all day, maybe it’s the quick heating up of them when we get in bed ?
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