Hospitals to undergo Ofsted-style inspections

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hospitals will regularly undergo tough two-week-long inspections and be given Ofsted-style ratings to revolutionise standards of care for patients, under coalition plans.

The government's health watchdog will set out how the current regime will be overhauled in the wake of a series of scandals that have damaged public confidence in the NHS. It is understood that the new system will be designed to provide patients with an easily understood barometer of the standards of care in their local hospitals.

Hospitals judged to be risking patients' health will be put into special measures ? where experts force managers to change their habits, as happens now with failing schools.

The health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, believes the current system ? under which trusts and care homes are merely told whether or not they meet certain minimum standards ? encourages a "tick-box mentality" that leads to poor care.
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