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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Other Type
This is an update - for the last number of years been battling with tongue growths all come back as mild Dysplacia then had one removed, went for the results on a Saturday last year and got told if the results ever came back as top end of dysplacia basically it would be over for me as it is then classed as a type of mouth cancer!

On that day i went home and was alone facing that horrid news. i did go back to the unit and had some words about the lack of support.

Roll on just before Xmas 23 i had another growth removed again mild Dysplacia but big problem seems there is something untowards still going on.

This Friday i am going back to what they call MaxFax so will update when i get some news.

Nerves have all ready set in.

On the diabetic front doing okay still on waiting list for a new injection and prob still waiting and waiting, should not be like this!
This is an update - for the last number of years been battling with tongue growths all come back as mild Dysplacia then had one removed, went for the results on a Saturday last year and got told if the results ever came back as top end of dysplacia basically it would be over for me as it is then classed as a type of mouth cancer!

On that day i went home and was alone facing that horrid news. i did go back to the unit and had some words about the lack of support.

Roll on just before Xmas 23 i had another growth removed again mild Dysplacia but big problem seems there is something untowards still going on.

This Friday i am going back to what they call MaxFax so will update when i get some news.

Nerves have all ready set in.

On the diabetic front doing okay still on waiting list for a new injection and prob still waiting and waiting, should not be like this!
Sorry to hear of the not good prognosis but to give you a bit of hope, my brother in law had cancer of the base of the tongue, had radiotherapy, and some chemo which he did not tolerate well but the radiotherapy treatment was successful and he is clear and we are now 10 years on.
MaxFax is not Max Factor but maxillo-facial, relating to a disease, injury or defect of your face, jaw or mouth...
(But you knew that!)
Hang in there @mikeydt1

We are rooting for you.
everything went well for the first time still have Dysplacia and go back in 3 months time no dreaded biopsies wow they can be really painful to say the least.

Yep did know that one John just a nick name we all give the unit around these parts.

Well many thanks for the kind well wishes.

Take care everyone,

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