hospital visit

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I attended my first hospital visit today with the consultant who I saw in hospital when I was admitted a month ago.
How impressed was I.
They checked my wieght, peed in a bottle, tested sugar.
The guy was great, adjusted my insulin explained due to night hypos that i was honeymooning,asked how i was .blood test to check my thiroid b4 giving a statin,asked if sex was ok,checked my eyes then my feet.
I feel a lot better knowing that is how you get treated.
I go back in a month.
Glad you had a good experience, you do hear some horror stories about healthcare but I for one have have always has great experiences at my hospital (Norwich), I feel they really do look out for me and are always there when I need something. I do feel fortunate that with all the various checks and tests I get regularly I must be fairly confident of my health.

Happy new year!
i think you are very lucky i hope you keep on getting treatment like this if only all visits to hospital left you with a positive attitude
support from diabetes specialists

Can I add one general area to mention to diabetes specialists, whether nurses, dieticians, podiatrists, doctors etc - if they don't ask first?

What's important in your life? Sometimes assumptions are made eg that everyone wants to have children, when in fact, there may be plenty of reasons other than diabetes why some people choose not to eg partner away from home for months on end. But it's fair enough to check that the situation hasn't changed since last annual review. Plus, most specialist medics I have met are in favour of driving restrictions, although won't admit this until pushed.

However, it's great to have the degree of support you want, both quality and quantity - they always ask if I want to come to the hospital clinic more often than once a year, and I always decline with thanks. Plus they are good about giving me an appointment at the beginning or end of a day, and on a Monday morning when I was working 250 miles away, so I only had to take one day off work.
Glad to hear your news Colin.

I seem to be scheduled for a three monthly appt at the moment. Couldn't ask for better care
Can I add one general area to mention to diabetes specialists, whether nurses, dieticians, podiatrists, doctors etc - if they don't ask first?

What's important in your life? Sometimes assumptions are made eg that everyone wants to have children, when in fact, there may be plenty of reasons other than diabetes why some people choose not to eg partner away from home for months on end. But it's fair enough to check that the situation hasn't changed since last annual review. Plus, most specialist medics I have met are in favour of driving restrictions, although won't admit this until pushed.

Im confused about what you are talking about here. Why would I not want children because ive got diabetes?
having children with diabetes

Hi Katie - to answer your query: Diabetes is not a reason to not want children, but there might be other reasons not to want children. The aspects to consider in relation to diabetes are pregnancy (females only) and genetics / inheritance (males more than females).
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