Hospital failures led to diabetic woman's death

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
THE HEARTBROKEN husband of a diabetic woman who died after medical staff failed to carry out simple blood tests said his wife 'deserved far better'.

Margaret Pitt suffered an irreversible brain injury while being cared for at the Alexandra Hospital and died on November 21, 2010 aged just 55.

A five day inquest at Worcestershire Coroners' Court heard how staff at the Woodrow Drive Hospital failed to implement a thorough care plan that would have seen Mrs Pitt's glucose levels monitored and acted on accordingly while one experienced nurse did not conduct blood tests which would have shown the mother of three's glucose levels were not being controlled after she was admitted.

Marguerite Elcock, deputy coroner for Worcestershire, said it was a 'gross failure to provide basic medical treatment'.
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Terrifies me having to be an inpatient these days .....
'We accept the Deputy Coroner's conclusions and hope that the Family of Mrs Pitt has found the detailed inquiry helpful.'

Oh yes, the Coroners verdict will enable them to sue you for megabucks now, so they will find it exceedingly helpful TY very much.

Will make up completely for the loss of their loved one .... NOT

And of course, everybody in Redditch will now be completely reassured that your hospital is completely safe ...... NOT

What an utterly stupid comment .....
Must admit, thinking back and even though I was in specifically because of my diabetes diagnosis and otherwise received excellent care and attention, my blood sugars swung between 2 and 30 without them seeming to bat an eyelid. I was tested regularly though, the 2.0 was when they missed a test during the night and the agency nurse panicked a bit and seemed to expect me to know how to treat it. This was probably on the second or third night, and I just half-filled a cup of tea with sugar - wouldn't dream of doing that now! I was in 8 days and only saw the DSN (one per 20,000 patients 😱) on the last day, an hour before I left.
Yes Northie, good job your brain was still working, even if she hadn't got one in the first place.

I really don't know where they get these people from.

A friend in hospital with something unrelated to her D tested at 2. something during the night. her daughter found this on her chart so asked them 'So what did you do?' - they said 'Nothing, we didn't like to disturb your mother, she was asleep.'

Daughter went potty berserk. Little did they know she's a GP ...... Went into the ward sister's office by all accounts where she was just hading over to the night staff, and demanded 'Why are you trying to kill my mother?'

Don't you just wish you'd been THERE !
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