Hospital 'failed to monitor' diabetic woman's blood sugar

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How absolutely appalling! 😡

I truly believe if you have diabetes you are not safe in hospital these days. They monitored her every six hours - most people with insulin treated D would self-monitor far more frequently when they were well and at home, yet here she is sick in hospital and they deem every six hours to be sufficient.
How absolutely appalling! 😡

I truly believe if you have diabetes you are not safe in hospital these days. They monitored her every six hours - most people with insulin treated D would self-monitor far more frequently when they were well and at home, yet here she is sick in hospital and they deem every six hours to be sufficient.

I was in another west country hospital after a very bad Addison's crisis and was monitoring my blood sugar every hour to start with as they were pouring steroids into me via an IV drip so needed to work my pump overtime to keep up. It then went to every 2 hours and an officious young nurse refused to test my blood sugars at the prescribed as said it was far to much testing and I would get sore fingers 🙄 We had quite a battle over it and when lunch time arrived she refused to let me test as I had tested an hour earlier. So I said fair enough I wont bother with lunch then, no test equals no lunch as can't bolus the correct insulin 😡
She had a right paddy at me over it and chucked the testing kit at me in a temper and do as you please then. 😱
I did have a meter with me and a few test strips but didn't want to waste mine if I could help it.
I also told the consultant what had happened when I met up with him in clinic.
He was quite shocked and said any diabetic on insulin must be allowed to test when they need to, some staff training is required, leave it to me. He was the new kid on the block so no idea how he got on.
The hospital apologized......

Well I suppose that's all right then!!!

I'm sorry but if a diabetic is being admitted we should be listened to (its our diabetes at the end of the day) & our notes read as most places use computer systems to record our current insulin ratios, regimes, types of insulin on etc (I always carry my insulin passport) or someone actually listen to what we do if they are going to take over.

Sue my consultant has spoken to the hospital that ignored me & wondered why I became unconscious

*goes off to calm down*
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