Hospital disappoints diabetic patients

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Serious diabetic patients reporting to the Federal Government Services Hospital are not getting ?regular insulin? there as the hospital stores only ?medium insulin?, several patients told Dawn.

Worse is the plight of government employees who need ?regular insulin? but hesitate to purchase the costly injection from the market because the management of the hospital won?t verify the bill for reimbursement from their department.

Dr Sharif Astori, spokesman for the hospital better known as Polyclinic, however denied that the hospital ever used regular insulin.

?You have been provided wrong and untrue information. We have a large stock of 7030 insulin (trade name of ?medium? insulin) and never used regular insulin,? the spokesman asserted to Dawn.
Well - they certainly do speak a different language in Islamabad, don't they? LOL

Can anyone translate that?

And I wonder how much money are they actually talking about, in comparison to the usual income of a person there?
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