Hospital bosses forced into climbdown over ‘snoop’ threat to parents

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
NHS chiefs yesterday performed a dramatic U-turn on reporting parents of children who miss hospital appointments to the SNP’s state guardians.

Parents were furious earlier this week when it was revealed doctors are “now required” to act as informants for a child’s Government-sanctioned “named person” – although the law is not due to come in to force until 2016.

The controversial policy came to light in letters sent to parents by NHS Forth Valley, which also threatened to send “copies of future relevant reports” about children to state guardians.

But, just days after defending the practice, the health board released a statement in which it conceded: “Following further consideration, NHS Forth Valley can confirm that letters have now been withdrawn.”

It added that it was working with the Scottish Government to “ensure a consistent approach to information sharing and communications with patients”.
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