Horrid Eye woman

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I went for my 6 month eye screening to get photos of eyes taken. It was a different woman, usually a really nice one, who lets you see photos and discusses it with you. The woman took the photos and i asked if all was ok and she became really rude saying she couldn't give me the results. I explained that the lady usually gives me some form of indication all is ok. But she wouldn't budge. She says if i get a letter saying there has been slight changes, which i usually get than i need to tighten up my control, the cheek of her. I told her i had good control and it was hard trying to keep it perect since i have had this bloody thing for 25 years. I was so angry, who is she to tell me, she is not a doctor. My diabetes team say i have good control and slight changes are just because i've had it for so long. Am i been misled? Came away really upsent. Not the best week at appointm,ents for me, i'm afraid. x x Please excuse any spelling errors, typing in a complete rant. x
I went for my 6 month eye screening to get photos of eyes taken. It was a different woman, usually a really nice one, who lets you see photos and discusses it with you. The woman took the photos and i asked if all was ok and she became really rude saying she couldn't give me the results. I explained that the lady usually gives me some form of indication all is ok. But she wouldn't budge. She says if i get a letter saying there has been slight changes, which i usually get than i need to tighten up my control, the cheek of her. I told her i had good control and it was hard trying to keep it perect since i have had this bloody thing for 25 years. I was so angry, who is she to tell me, she is not a doctor. My diabetes team say i have good control and slight changes are just because i've had it for so long. Am i been misled? Came away really upsent. Not the best week at appointm,ents for me, i'm afraid. x x Please excuse any spelling errors, typing in a complete rant. x

HUGS smit the horrid woman, although i was told the same thing when i had mine done last year and i never quearied it, maybe cause it was my first test i suppose .Dont let it ruin your mood or your day hun xx
Thanks Steff2010, it just bugs me, not sure why she's got to me so much but she has. I am trying so hard to get perfect control. Had great control for the past few years and never really thought about diabetes. But now i want tighter control things just seem to be going from good to bad. Think i should possibly resort back to old way and not worry about it. x
Smit, as you say in your post she is not a doctor, therefore cannot make a diagnoses. In these days of litigation she is only covering her own back. What would have happened if she had told you everything is fine and got it seriously wrong. Must admit she could have been a bit more kinder in her response though.
People who aren't medically qualified cannot give results to people. This is because of several rather sad incidents in the past. When I work in pathology labs as a BMS I cannot under any circumstances give a patient their results. This has to come from a doctor or nurse who is fully able to interpret the results. That said, when I last had mine done the man doing it for me said it looked like nothing had changed.

Hi Smit, this was a throwaway comment made by an unthinking and unqualified woman, think nothing of it - you know much more about diabetes than she ever will> Don't let is spoil your determination to keep good control, you're doing a fine job🙂
I attend an ophthalmology clinic who give me a through examination; visual accutity, glaucoma test, retinal scan every 6 - 9 months. Because the GP practice pressurised me (they are bonussed I believe) I also attended the screening sessions. I did give these up in the end for various reasons including having multiple drops put in by an impatient person that left me dilated for eight hours. The system is now changing so that people who are checked elsewhere are not asked to attend.

I also have retinal photographs on CD and am hoping to get a 3D - OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) scan as this equipment rolls out in 2010.
This detects changes before they become visible. Sadly this will probably be available privately in the short to medium term. I will post when I have this done (in about 3 to 6 months).
I went for my 6 month eye screening to get photos of eyes taken. It was a different woman, usually a really nice one, who lets you see photos and discusses it with you. The woman took the photos and i asked if all was ok and she became really rude saying she couldn't give me the results. I explained that the lady usually gives me some form of indication all is ok. But she wouldn't budge. She says if i get a letter saying there has been slight changes, which i usually get than i need to tighten up my control,

So the Lady in question told you she couldn't discuss the result ( standard form) but then slipped in a big hint for you about what was coming ( nudge,nudge,wink,wink).
Don't le t this woman ruin your day. She is not worth the paper her qualification is printed on.

She may have problems of her own with no support or help. We have each other, so we are above this kind of thing.

I hope you feel better. I'm sure things will be OK.
My first screening was really thorough and the man was quite happy to tell me there was nothing to worry about and that the details would be in a letter they'd send within two weeks after they'd examined the pictures more closely. If they're good at their jobs they won't say anything much until they've had a good look at the photos, just in case. The woman who saw you could have been a bit more tactful about it though.
In 2008, i attended sreening and was told i had no complications at all. In fact she couldn't even tell i was diabetic! Last year i was told there had been one bleed on my eye and i got a letter and a booklet telling me all about retinopathy which really worried me.
Then i saw my specialist who told me it could be transient and not to worry since people who've had type1 for as long as i have are almost bound to get some compications like this, no matter how well controllrd they are. The thing is these days, they can see things in your eyes they haven't been able to see be🙂fore and at least that gives every opportunity to get it sorted quickly before it gets too serious. There's always an up side!
Hi everyone,
Thanks for supportive replies. I am feeling fine about it all today. I know i have very slight changes in my eyes due to length of having diabetes. I popped into my optician today and he had a look in eyes with the same machine and said as i thought. I was more annoyed about the throw away comment she said, she doesn't know how well my control is. It's ok to say tighten your control but you can only do so much when you've had it so long. 🙂
Hi everyone,
Thanks for supportive replies. I am feeling fine about it all today. I know i have very slight changes in my eyes due to length of having diabetes. I popped into my optician today and he had a look in eyes with the same machine and said as i thought. I was more annoyed about the throw away comment she said, she doesn't know how well my control is. It's ok to say tighten your control but you can only do so much when you've had it so long. 🙂

Smit, I had the dreaded letter last time, saying there were 'diabetic changes' and background retinopathy. I've only been diagnosed 20 months and my HbA1c has gone 11.8, 6.7, 5.4, 5.2, 5.6 so it was a stupid thing for her to say about control, full stop!
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