Horrible day. Another 3 cannulas failed on me in a row.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
*edit: I just counted and actually it was 4 that failed, so 5 set changes since 4pm yesterday.

Like really horrible, okay I'm ready to stop being diabetic now, that sort of day.

Yesterday I changed my cannula at 4pm. 2 hours later I was 10.8 so thought everything was dandy.

6.30pm: 13.2

7pm I was on a packed train, no seats, and got 16.1. I corrected by pen and had to wait almost an hour to change cannula (I didn't fancy doing it with a very rocky train and nowhere to sit down). Inserted the cannula, a 9mm Quickset, manually.

8pm I was 6.6, so pen correction obv kicking in. 9pm, 5.2. Had a little juice (100mls ish) as I didn't want to drop anymore from those levels.

5:45am: 15.1. Took out manually inserted cannula - it's as kinked as you can get. Change cannulas and put in another 9mm Quickset plus big correction.

7am: 15.5. Curse and swear as loudly as I can get away with whilst at work. Pen correct again. New cannula in.

7:45: 12.9, yay coming down.

10am: 14.9. At this point I considered going home, but I swear I will never let the words "I need to go home because of my diabetes" slip out of my mouth. I grit my teeth, try not to cry, and change cannulas AGAIN - to a Sil this time. I was feeling very very sick, dizzy and just really rough.

I haven't yet got below 10, but I'm guessing that's because I have had no basal since 4pm yesterday. I've put on a 150% temp basal.

If you made it to the end...thanks for reading. I was ready to throw the towel in today as far as diabetes was concerned...if only that was an option. Just needed to vent - I was trying to explain to people at work how rough I was feeling (both physically and mentally) and they were like...oh well at least you didn't go home...
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Shiv, I'm so sorry to hear of all the problems you've had. :( I hope that you've now had your share for at least the next 20 years! It must be so frustrating as much as anything. Try and remember how much better you were feeling in those first few weeks on the pump - those feelings will return soon, I am sure. 🙂
Oh Shiv, that really sucks *hugs* It's so frustrating when something like that happens, especially because I tend to find that when my BG is that high, it really doesn't want to come down, and I'm left trying to decide whether it's yet another failed set or insulin resistance from the high. :confused: I'm very much like you in that I persevere at work, and people just don't get how crappy that makes you feel (although I have found that describing it as the a really, really bad hangover sometimes gets it across!).

Is it a regular problem with Quicksets? Can you try some other sets to see if they're any better?

*more hugs*
I've had problems with 6mm Quickets in the past which is why I try to always use 9mm - but without funding, I'm left relying on the donations people have given me (which is AWESOME and I would NOT be without them) which means I can't be fussy!

However, I have 3 boxes of sils that were sent to me, so I'll be going with those from now on.

Here's a conundrum: the manually inserted 9mm Quickset came out as kinked as hell. Which makes me wonder where the insulin was going? I thought maybe I hadn't pushed it through my skin properly, surely then the insulin would be sitting on my skin/soaking the adhesive?

Arhghghghghg too many variables!!
That's the thing that always gets me why canulas fail - where does all that insulin *go*?? 😱

I'm on an animas, but if it's possible to use the Insets from that (I think you can do it with an adaptor or something?), let me know and I can send some if you fancy trying them. 🙂
Thanks v much. I am leaning towards an Animas anyway to be honest. I have a couple of their reservoirs and sets (the ones that go in at an angle) on my shelf I keep promising myself I will try!
I think medtronic are having lots of problems with quicksets in general - so thats why they have moved over to mio's. I am wondering whether all your sets are in date - because they are donated - perhaps they are out of date and maybe losing some of the 'stiffness' that the canula needs....😱

You dont sound like yourself Shiv - I hope this is just a blip and you can get back on track soon.🙂Bev
Am sending you lots of hugs sorry to hear that you are having bit of a crap time hope things get better for you soon
take care
Shiv its really annoying when that happens i had a box of cannulas the other week that when i put them in the flexilink asst wasnt bringing the needle down 😡 . Hope everything ok now 🙂
jeezo, that sounds horrible, hope ur ok x
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