Hormones! Women help! Men may want to look away.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So i have been having problems with hormones for the last few years.. It seems to be getting worse as i'm getting older. I have an imbalance and was told my testosterone was slightly high and female hormones were a bit low... This has caused acne (started when i was 30)I'm now 36. I have this Horrible hormonal acne, the cystic type so can't be attacked with topical treatments. So feeling down about that as i had always had clear skin :( Hormones have caused my periods to become very irregular and as such my blood sugars are a bit all over the place. I run higher when i am due on and for the first couple of days on, and i can't predict when that will be ( i used to be clockwork every 28 days and need 50% more basal 2 days before and 2 days while on and i knew when that was!) :( sometimes my periods are only 2 weeks apart from bleed to bleed (sorry tmi) sometimes 3 ..I have been tracking them using an app and there is not even a hint of a pattern to them. I have been to the doctor because its affecting my control of blood sugars and they always focus on trying to put me on the pill, I have tried this before and it had a bad effect with my mental health so don't want to go there again. Do you think this is something the diabetes consultant could help with as the GP has frankly been useless and can't offer any explanation of whey this is happening and frankly when i even mentioned periods he nearly fell off his chair! I'm fed up of wondering if i am due on which may be why i'm running high or if i need to adjust basal/bolus. Any advice or has anyone been through this. Thanks x
I recommend a gynaecologist rather than a D consultant, frankly. You only need that amount of whatever hormone(s) you lack, rather than a mixture of synthetic whatever, as per 'the pill' these days.

However, do talk to your D clinic and if you can talk off the record to one of the DSNs - they will most likely know which gynaes at your hospital are 'more sympathetic' cos don't forget, if you wanted pre conception advice and everything which leads from that, they will get to hear from those ladies!
Sympathies to you, I'm still regular but am peri menopausal which is also playing havoc with my levels 😱
A friend, who isn't diabetic, but has had similar problems wrt irregular bleeding and high testosterone levels has found the marina coil very helpful.
Sounds like classic polycystic ovarian syndrome. No, your diabetes consultant will be no help. A gynaecologist will. If they are really on the ball, they can do laparoscopic zapping of the bits of ovarian tissue that are producing the testosterone. That should fix the acne as well.

Sorry for being a man, I was a doctor in real life.
Definitely a gyne problem and sounds like something they should be able to do something about, I would imagine a good starting point would be a full hormone test! The acne can sometimes be treated with antibiotics so please do ask for a referral, you shouldn’t have to suffer like this :(
Sounds like classic polycystic ovarian syndrome. No, your diabetes consultant will be no help. A gynaecologist will. If they are really on the ball, they can do laparoscopic zapping of the bits of ovarian tissue that are producing the testosterone. That should fix the acne as well.

Sorry for being a man, I was a doctor in real life.
I had a scan for this last year and they said my ovaries were fine. They always tell me its normal for women to go through cycle changes. but this is more than that and they won't listen. I think i will push to see a gyne. All the hormone fluctuations are sending me crackers but my blood sugars too. Thanks for the reply 🙂
I recommend a gynaecologist rather than a D consultant, frankly. You only need that amount of whatever hormone(s) you lack, rather than a mixture of synthetic whatever, as per 'the pill' these days.

However, do talk to your D clinic and if you can talk off the record to one of the DSNs - they will most likely know which gynaes at your hospital are 'more sympathetic' cos don't forget, if you wanted pre conception advice and everything which leads from that, they will get to hear from those ladies!
Going to talk to the DSN on monday, she's lovely anyway, This is why i was thinking going to the diabetes team, surely they would more likely refer me because its impacting my diabetes control.
Sympathies to you, I'm still regular but am peri menopausal which is also playing havoc with my levels 😱
A friend, who isn't diabetic, but has had similar problems wrt irregular bleeding and high testosterone levels has found the marina coil very helpful.
I heard about the mirena too. I might need to do some investigations into that, (i don't know a lot about it)
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