Honeymoon period?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
If someone was in a honeyy moon period would it came to a aburt end?
I can only tell you about my honeymoon period.
It lasted about 8 years whilst my insulin producing cells slowly died off and my insulin requirements gradually increased until they "stabilisedish" (after nearly 20years, my insulin requirements still vary but there is usually a reason). Thankfully, I was not aware of a spluttering pancreas which would suddenly start working and then suddenly stop and then suddenly start and then ...

So, the end was not sudden for me.
If my insulin needs suddenly increased, I would go through my usual checklist before making assumptions
- am I I'll?
- am I stressed?
- have I taken any medication/vaccines?
- am I exercising less?
- am I hotter/colder than usual?
- what part of my monthly cycle am I on?
- have I eaten something different?
- is my insulin pen working ok?
-,is my insulin ok?
- am I wearing different socks to usual?
I can only tell you about my honeymoon period.
It lasted about 8 years whilst my insulin producing cells slowly died off and my insulin requirements gradually increased until they "stabilisedish" (after nearly 20years, my insulin requirements still vary but there is usually a reason). Thankfully, I was not aware of a spluttering pancreas which would suddenly start working and then suddenly stop and then suddenly start and then ...

So, the end was not sudden for me.
If my insulin needs suddenly increased, I would go through my usual checklist before making assumptions
- am I I'll?
- am I stressed?
- have I taken any medication/vaccines?
- am I exercising less?
- am I hotter/colder than usual?
- what part of my monthly cycle am I on?
- have I eaten something different?
- is my insulin pen working ok?
-,is my insulin ok?
- am I wearing different socks to usual?
wearing differ socks to usual? 😛
If someone was in a honeyy moon period would it came to a aburt end?

It can vary, but it’s usually gradual. However, if there’s a trigger, the end can be more obvious. My honeymoon lasted years and my insulin production declined slowly and gradually, with a few little steps down along the way.
I definitely experienced "steps" rather than a smooth transition and the first 6 months were quite erratic rather than my own beta cells rounding the edges off the insulin it seemed to be more fits and spurts, but I know people who had a very smooth honeymoon so it is really individual. So far I have had 3 notable "steps" where my basal insulin needs ramped up over a period of a month or two and then stabilsed, so looking back I can see where my basal needs increased by 30-100% and then levelled out with just some minor deviation unless I was doing a lot of exercise in which case it would drop back more significantly but then return to the more general levels when I was unable to sustain that level of activity. I am nearly 3 years from diagnosis and I suspect the Covid vaccine may have triggered the final stage of my honeymoon last Spring, but it is impossible to know if you still have a small amount of insulin production left or if you have run completely dry because there are just too many variables with BG levels.
I think it is probably very rare for it to suddenly hit a brick wall and stop altogether, so it is more just a question of whether you get noticeable steps like I did, and how steep they are, or a nice gentle slope.
I was up and down for the first 18 months, but there have been periods since when unexpected drops have made me question whether my pancreas has 'woken up' and realised it has a job to do every now and then!
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