Honeymoon Period


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I feel I am definitely coming to the end of my Honeymoon period (2yrs in) - all of a sudden my Pancreas must be producing insulin again as I'm crashing all the time, having had really good control over the past 2yrs (90 TIR) - just eaten 50g of carbs on a 1:1 ratio so 5 units of Fiasp and not gone more than 5.2 at a starting point of 5.0 after 2 hours - now going low at 3.9 (I won't finger prick test or treat until I'm 3.5) - can anyone else share their experiences of this and give any advice? Had 2 hypo alarms last night too
That does not sound like the end of your honeymoon period.
Honeymoon ends when your body stops producing insulin, not restarts.

There may be other reasons why you need less insulin at the moment such as more exercise, alcohol, more relaxed, etc.

Or it could be that the carbs you have eaten are mixed with more fat than usual which slows down your carb absorption.

Or a sensor that reports lower than usual.

But it definitely does not sound like the end of honeymoon.
Mine lasted 8 years and resulted in gradually more insulin.
It's like it's having a final hurrah before giving up completely - completely unexplained - no changes to anything - obviously I may be wrong but I was warned about this by my healthcare team that it might become a bit more erratic
Or perhaps it could be that your basal doses are no longer holding you level. I regularly have to adjust my Levemir and I find it really surprising how just 1 unit of Levemir can make a huge difference to my levels being stable or unpredictable.
Thanks for all the replies - it was definitely a dodgy sensor (have just changed it!) - only 2 days to go on it so not going to bother to send it back - was giving me a reading of 2.7 when a finger prick gave 6.6 - tested this a couple of times over the course of the day, and the readings were similarly apart - annoying but a good reminder to always confirm with blood check (I didn't feel even remotely hypo at any time) - I have had to increase my ratios gradually over the past 9 or so months and control has been very good so this dodgy bit of tech explains the bump in the road (have had libre 2+ for a few months now and this is the first one that has ultimately failed - all in all though I've found it more accurate than the Libre 2)
was giving me a reading of 2.7 when a finger prick gave 6.6 - tested this a couple of times over the course of the day, and the readings were similarly apart - annoying but a good reminder to always confirm with blood check (I didn't feel even remotely hypo at any time)

Ah that’s frustrating for you. But a good reminder to always double check if the sensor readings don’t match how you are feeling.

Having said that it really grinds my gears when I have an inexplicable mega-high reading, (I don’t tend to get symptoms for raised BG), then double check to be sure… Only to have the high BG confirmed! 🙄:rofl: